The dispute betweenglobal and local in philosophy– the rise of new technologies in China according to Yuk Hui
The aim of this article is to discuss the relation between global and local in the works of certain philosophers of technology. The main focus is the concept of cosmotechnics created by Yuk Hui, a philosopher who is strongly influenced by Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler. In the text we examine how Heidegger’s question about technology has led Sloterdijk and Stiegler to introduce their criticisms but also to build their original concepts that view the modern technology more favorably. For Yuk Hui those thinkers are a strong inspiration, however, he criticise them for being too Western-oriented and adds another contexts – the role of China as both a postcolonial state with it’s unique philosophical tradition and as a center for new technologies. Then the introduces cosmotechnics as a form of cultural a priori that is a mixture of moral and cosmological thinking resulting in a locally-specific approach to technology. It also allows him to talk about a local-global dichotomy in a new, interesting way. This however includes also some signs of a new universlaism rooting from the Chinese culture.