Monika Wawer
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (17) 2024, 2024, s. 191-212 Wawer
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 4 (216), 2013, s. 495-508
The author considers the relation between the allowed and not-allowed creation in television documentary forms and asks the question about their boundaries. She provides not only some examples of programmes in which journalistic provocation and reconstruction of facts were used, but also those made in a traditional way. She points out the fact that the boundaries of creation in traditional feature programmes and television documentaries are little-known. She takes into consideration the question to what degree the process of preparation of facts for television narration infl uences the reported reality.
American television producers say that “Life is a bad television”. How to bring this statement together with the rules of non-fi ction formats?
Monika Wawer
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 1, 2020, s. 27-39 in the model of trade in television formats in the cultural and economic dimension
In response to the changing television market, media organizations create strategic solutions to affect the format trading system that has been stable so far. For two decades, a model of format trade has allowed finding balance in the conceptual frame set by the opposition: adaptation versus creation, broadcasters versus production companies, global versus local conditions, business and cultural values.
The purpose of the article is to preliminarily describe how these strategic and operational activities undertaken by global organisations disturb this balance. Taking control of format production by subsidiaries of foreign capital, new distribution channels may result in a smaller share of broadcasters in creation, universalization of formats lacking local accents, weakening the brand of entities identified on local markets.
Monika Wawer
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 61, Numer 2 (234), 2018, s. 177-190 journalism – will future newsrooms be fully automated?
This article examines how automation is used by news organizations in creating content and how it infl uences current journalistic models, professionalism and ethical issues. The analysis is based on series of interviews with key managerial staff, editors and developers at news organizations in which automation is implemented in news production process.
Monika Wawer
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 59, Numer 1 (225), 2016, s. 182-196“Grey’s Anatomy”. The Post-Racial, Post-Feminist Discourse about the Hospital Isolated From History and Culture
„Grey’s Anatomy” tv series created by Afro-American producer Shonda Rhimes obtained many awards from anti-discrimination organizations. Rhimes’ creative and producerly strategies – the „color-blind casting”, multi-racial and multicultural character of the cast – attracted the attention of the public opinion and became the trademark of the series. In this article the series’ dominant discourse is being analyzed and set against the critical analysis by the researchers specializing in the problems of discrimination and racial prejudice; according to their opinion the series trivializes the cultural differences, and uses the narrative structures reinforcing the traditional cultural patterns, thus perpetuating the racial divisions.