Monika Kłosok-Ścibich
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 1, 2009, s. 9 - 25
The Gauguin Syndrome - Change of Identity or Myth?
Gauguin syndrome is a phenomenon described by life span psychology, referring to the inten-tion to stimulate the changes of personality by means of a change of life circumstances. The phenomenon is patterned on Paul Gauguin's life, fuli of sudden and unexpected turns. Gauguin syndrome is an example of the change of life linę during the so called midlife crisis and it implies personality change: an attempt to discover one's own identity and intention to construct a new identity and self-concept. In this article we propose a few criteria defining Gauguin syndrome: (1) important change of life priorities, (2) undertaking a new form of activity, (3) which justi-fies meaning of life, (4) is based on different values than before, (5) gives a sense of freedom and authenticity, (6) decision about such a change is undertaken by a person independently, without any support from other people, and (7) it implies the decline of social and economic status of a person. In this article we also emphasize the differentiation of the Gauguin myth and syndrome, with possible explanations of the phenomena. Three case studies arę presented including life histories according to McAdams approach. The empirical data suggests that an important change of life might be announced by previous experiences.