Marta Maćkiewicz
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 17, Numer 3, 2012, s. 69 - 82
How to measure the Big Five personality traits in childhood? Development of the Picture Based Personality Survey for Children (PBPS-C)
This article presents a new way of measuring five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience) in children – called the Picture Based Personality Survey (PBPS) for children. This measuring instrument corresponds to children’s cognitive development and it is based on pictures. The questionnaire consists of items which comprise two pictures – every picture indicates either of the two ends of a scale (e.g.: the behaviour presented in the fi rst picture indicates extraversion whilst that in the second picture indicates introversion). Every picture presents a clearly recognizable main character, who is placed in the same situation but behaves in a completely different way. Children have to choose the picture which most closely corresponds to their own behaviour.
The measurement model of data obtained with PBPS was examined via confi rmatory factor analysis. The results indicate that the model fi ts the data well. Reliability assessed by Cronbach’s alfa showed the need to improve the reliability of the instrument. However, the reliability assessment by means of Saris and Gallhofer’s index of quality was satisfactory.