Marta Goroszkiewicz
Zoon Politikon, 10/2019, 2019, s. 75 - 101
The article is an attempt to determine the area of research related to the importance of dual The article is an attempt to determine the area of research related to the importance of dual vocational training of adolescents in the process of human capital management in craft enterprises. Craft companies belong to the category of SME’s. People management model in SME’s is different from the popular models of management knowing from large organizations.
The subject of my considerations – craft enterprises, are characterized by a characteristic element in the process of managing people – the stage of dual vocational education of adolescent. I make a goal of my work to diagnose significance of dual education of adolescent for HRM in Polish craft companies.
Marta Goroszkiewicz
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Vol. 22, 2015, s. 1 - 1
Selected labor regulations, in particular associated with compliance with occupational health and safety, in specific situations oblige the employer and employee to make immediate changes in work processes. Certain provisions allow the employee (in order to ensure its safety) the cessation of work, while others require from the employer to immediately transfer the employee to another job. These changes do not require that were maintained any procedures relating to the formal written change in working conditions. The article contains a description of the cases in which the modification is permitted immediate method work. The article describes the situation where there is an obligation to transfer the employee to another job, if you have any of the identified symptoms associated with the formation of an occupational disease, with the right to financial compensatory allowance.