Marek Biernacki
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 19-32
Subjective judgment of the prosperity in Poland does not become better despite a constant economic growth. CBOS (Centre of Public Opinion Research) researches show that for Polish people (97%) health is the most essential matter and that 75% persons are dissatisfi ed with the health service activity. Even only these numbers let observe the lack of the public prosperity optimization in Poland. Public utility services are personal, so they affect directly a feeling of the well-being. Undoubtedly, the quality of the services mentioned affects positively or negatively the prosperity of the whole population. A possibility of a public utilities evaluation in fi ve dimensions has been shown in this paper: (1) in a professional dimension, i.e. effi ciency; (2) in an economical dimension, i.e. productivity; (3) in a process-wise dimension, i.e. TQM; (4) in a personal dimension, i.e. consumer satisfaction; and (5) in a social dimension, i.e. public prosperity improvement.
Marek Biernacki
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (22), 2013, s. 161-174
The proposal measure synthetic evaluation of the activities of public institutions
Presented article is continuation previous paper [Biernacki, 2010].
Author proposes own evaluation method in 5 dimensions of public utilities: (1) economic (effeciency); (2) professional (effectiveness); (3) process; (4) personal (customer satisfaction); (5) social (improvement in public welfare).
This paper presents comprehensive evaluation method in activity public utilities, based on standardized and comparable method in five dimensions.
Empirical examples present core methotology.