Liliana Hawrysz
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (24), 2013, s. 505 - 512 a span of the last two decades governments of many countries have made an attempt to implement e-Government. The goal of e-Government is to transform thoroughly business processes of administration on the basis of ICT and to make management of the state – by using money of taxpayers in the most efficient way as possible – intelligible and predictable, based on the open cooperation with citizens, enabling to control activities of the state and serving of well-being of all citizens. The topic of the article are barriers in e-Government implementation, divided into three categories – strategic, tactical and operational – are discussed. Since the obstacles overlap with each other it is sometimes difficult to define them unambiguously. In the article they are analyzed from the most general to the most particular ones.
Liliana Hawrysz
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 72 - 85
Background. Discussion about instruments appropriate for administrative activities in Po- land started in 1990, after the transition. The reform of public administration in 1998 initiated substantial debate in this domain, and since then, the sector has been undergoing numerous transformations, but some of them are chaotic and not well thought-out. It impacts the posi- tion of public managers.
Research aim. The purpose of this article is to show differences in the communication channel of managers and employees in public sector organisations.
Method. 1466 employees of 102 public sector organisations participated in the research. Re- search was conducted from November 2012 to May 2013. The survey questionnaire constituted the basis of collecting information in the framework of the conducted research. The research was complemented by interviews with managers of the entities examined.
Reg findings. The research presented differences in the communication channel among managers and employees who are not managers in public sector organisations; in addition, the dominating communication channel was diagnosed in these organisations.
Liliana Hawrysz
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(1), 2018, s. 197 - 215