Krzysztof Starowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 1-B (6) 2016, 2016, s. 57 - 65 the widespread use of computers, the only way to design a structure with complex shape was to build a prototype model and perform the necessary tests. Nowadays, designers are able to create an accurate and complex engineering design by effective mathematical models. The paper describes the numerical analysis of cooling tower carried out by a finite element method. The FEM analysis was performed with Lusas software. The cooling tower represents the real structure located in Kozienice, Poland. During the calculations, different load cases based on wind tunnel tests were taken into account. The evaluation of the influence of different wind directions and configuration of obstacles on internal forces and displacements were analyzed. Proper dimensions, material proprieties and method factors were applied to the model. In the further part, the dynamic evaluation was presented. The Eigen modes with corresponding values and shapes were created and described. Estimation of impact of dynamic wind action on the object will be also released. Time history of amplitude and displacements was attached. As a result of the dynamic studies, the dynamic evaluating indicator was calculated.
Krzysztof Starowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 1-B (6) 2016, 2016, s. 115 - 121 cooling tower can be classified as a special structure, both in terms of reliability and size. The collapse of such a large tower, located closely to other buildings, may result in very serious consequences. It seems that special attention should be paid during design process of this kind of structures. Despite the increase in cost, the additional analysis and studies are indicated and also may raise reliability. The article presents the influence of wind action on the cooling tower. It consists of the studies on the issue of aerodynamic interference performed in the wind tunnel. The attention was particularly focused on the influence of the wind pressure on the shell of cooling tower, and on variability of these pressures on the surrounding objects. Making an adequate scale model, configuration of measuring equipment and an execution of wind tunnel tests will be described in this paper. The research was concentrated on measuring the pressure coefficients on the cooling tower surface in single situation and interference situations.