Krzysztof Lewalski
Rocznik Gdański, LXXXIII (83), 2023, s. 82 - 91 Lewalski
Studia Historica Gedanensia, Tom 12 (2021)/1, 2021, s. 244 - 252 is human life. About the dilemmas of Poles during the partitions
The article deals mainly with the attitudes and choices of Poles during the partitions of 1795–1918. It was a time not only of armed struggle, but primarily everyday struggle with the reality of the time of captivity, because, as Andrzej Chwalba notes, Polish uprisings lasted only about three years in total. In this context, the fundamental question is: What did it mean to be a loyalist, realist, idealist, patriot during the partitions? Where were the boundaries beyond which one could be called a traitor? The very complicated conditions of the captivity period gave these attitudes new, specific dimensions. The article is an attempt to show the scale of the dilemmas faced by Poles of that time, participants of the social and political life, and, at least in part, to understand the motivation of their choices.
Krzysztof Lewalski
Studia Historica Gedanensia, Tom 4 (2013), 2013, s. 137 - 151 author of the article concentrated on the times when cigarettes began to become popular at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. There were no bans on advertisements of cigarettes and no anti-smoking acts. Based on various sources the author comes to a conclusion that smoking cigarettes by the clergy was not considered a heavy offence against morality. It was seen as something inappropriate and shameful for a clergyman to do, but mainly when they did it in public. So one could in theory talk about declared intolerance for smoking in public and tolerance for smoking in private space. In practice smoking more and more often met in those two spaces as a sign of social changes which also affected the clergy.