Radca prawny z Inowrocławia, autor wielu publikacji z zakresu prawa ochrony środowiska, ochrony przyrody oraz odpadów
Krzysztof Gruszecki
Radca Prawny, 2 (27), 2021, s. 115-136 administration tasks in the scope of green areas protection and the forms of their implementation – selected remarks
The article presents forms of administration activities which may influence the condition of green areas. It is pointed out that the analysis of public administration tasks in the scope of green areas protection cannot be limited only to the solutions presented in the Act of April 16, 2004 on the protection of the environment. It is stressed that actions taken on the basis of other legal acts, not necessarily directly related to the protection of the environment, may also have an influence on the condition of green areas. Both planning acts and decisions issued in specific cases may have this kind of character. The legal effects resulting from them may indirectly affect the green areas. Therefore, the necessity of taking complementary actions by all authorities is indicated, the application of which may ensure effective protection of green areas. Solutions that may enable it are already existing and operational, but they should be properly used.