Kazimierz Furtak
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 4-B (12) 2014 , 2014, s. 19 - 29
The paper presents an analysis of the effect of load variations on the bearing strength of connection in steel–concrete elements with flexible connectors in the form of bolts. Data relating to the residual stresses from concrete slab shrinkage have been included in the analysis. The results of the author’s experiments on the effect of variable loads on the bearing strength of the connection have been discussed following the author’s experimental studies. Following the analysis of the results, it can be stated that the bearing strength of a connection with flexible connectors is significantly affected by the rigidity of the steel girder and slab (coefficient d) together with the parameters of load cycles (k, R) and the value of concrete shrinkage strain.
Kazimierz Furtak
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, s. 1 - 1
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.072.1849The paper analyzes the influence of sequence of construction of the concrete slab in concrete-steel composite beams on effects of shrinkage of concrete, hence on longitudinal shear force to be transferred across the interface between steel and concrete. Typical as well as staged construction methods have been considered. Different sequences of construction result in different geometrical characteristics of the composite section, including the cross-sections and the moments of inertia, and hence also the longitudinal and bending stiffness. The relationship between the stiffnesses of components of composite beams represents the coefficient d. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that the level of normal and tangential stresses at the interface between the steel and concrete is dependent on the coefficient δ. Consequently, the stresses are also dependent on the sequence of construction of the concrete slab. Moreover, the stresses also depend on the creep of concrete and longitudinal slab reinforcement ratio.
Kazimierz Furtak
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 11 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 87 - 96
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.18.164.9420W pracy podano sposób uwzględniania wpływu obciążeń zmiennych na przyrost ugięć belek żelbetowych zbrojonych prętami żebrowanymi. Podane rozwiązana poddano weryfikacji doświadczalnej. Wykorzystano przy tym wyniki własnych badań doświadczalnych Badane belki były poddane obciążeniom wielokrotnie powtarzalnym Przyrost ugięć uzależniono od wartości podstawowych parametrów charakteryzujących obciążenia zmienne (wartość obciążenia maksymalnego cyklu Mmax, współczynnik asymetrii cyklu R, liczba cykli obciążenia Ni). Przyrost ugięć belek żelbetowych zbrojonych prętami żebrowanymi poddanych obciążeniom zmiennym wzrasta wraz ze wzrostem liczby cykli obciążenia Ni (a ściślej logNi) i jest większy dla większych wartości współczynnika k oraz dla mniejszych wartości współczynnika R (k = Mmax/Mn, R = Mmin/Mmax; Mmin – moment minimalny cyklu, Mmax – moment maksymalny cyklu, Mn – moment niszczący przy obciążeniach doraźnych). Podobne są zależności dla danej liczby obciążeń Ni.
The paper presents a way of taking account of the effect of changing loads on the deflection of RC beams reinforced with ribbed bars. The proposed solutions were verified experimentally, based on the results of tests performed by the author. The beams were subjected to multiple repeatable loads. The deflection increment dependent on the value of the basic parameters characterising the changing loads (cycle maximum load Mmax, stress ratio R, number of load cycles Ni). The increment of the deflection of RC beams reinforced with ribbed bars subjected to changing loads increases with increases in the number of load cycles Ni (logNi, to be more accurate), and is greater for higher values of ratio k and lower values of ratio R (k = Mmax/Mn; R = Mmin/Mmax; Mmin – minimal moment of cycle; Mmax – maximal moment of cycle; Mn – failure moment under short-term loads). The relations for the number of load cycles Ni are similar.