Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 66, Numer 4 (256), 2023, s. 95-111
https://doi.org/10.4467/22996362PZ.23.041.18675Paralelizm polityczny jest jedną z kategorii teoretycznych, które wykorzystuje się do klasyfikacji systemów medialnych i podsumowywania relacji zachodzących w mediach pod wpływem polityki i w polityce pod wpływem mediów. Celem artykułu, pracy przeglądowej, jest analiza zagadnienia paralelizmu politycznego w nawiązaniu do klasycznych koncepcji C. Seymoura‑Ure, J.G. Blumlera i M. Gurevitcha oraz D.C. Hallina i P. Manciniego oraz przedstawienie odmiennych stanowisk, krytykujących przydatność tych teorii do badań państw innych niż zachodnioeuropejskie. W opracowaniu przedstawiono także adekwatność zastosowania klasycznych koncepcji paralelizmu politycznego do analiz dotyczących Federacyjnej Republiki Brazylii. Tezą dotyczącą tego case study jest stwierdzenie, że klasyczne teorie paralelizmu politycznego nie w pełni pozwalają na ustalenie zależności zachodzących między sferą polityki i mediów w tym państwie. Tezę przyjęto w wyniku długofalowych i holistycznych analiz właściwości systemów politycznego i mediów Brazylii – wykorzystano obserwację z systematycznym przeglądem literatury (Fink 2005, s. 17), co umożliwia poznanie istoty zjawiska i formułowanie wniosków, a zastosowane metody jakościowe, mimo ich bolączek (Flick 2002, s. 5–24) oraz analiza systemowa, dopełniają całości.
Political Parallelism as a Theoretical Concept and its Application on the Example of Brazil
Political parallelism is one of the theoretical categories used to classify media systems and summarise the relationships occurring in the media under the influence of politics and in politics under the influence of the media. The aim of the article, a review work, is to analyse the issue of political parallelism concerning the classic concepts of C. Seymour‑Ure, J.G. Blumler, and M. Gurevitch, as well as D.C. Hallin and P. Mancini, and to present different positions criticising the usefulness of these theories for the study of countries other than Western European ones. The study also presents the adequacy of applying the classic concepts of political parallelism to analyses regarding the Federative Republic of Brazil. The thesis of this case study is that the classic theories of political parallelism do not fully allow for determining the relationships between the sphere of politics and the media in this country. The thesis was adopted as a result of long-term and holistic analyses of the characteristics of Brazil’s political and media systems. A systematic literature review was used (Fink 2005, p. 17), which makes it possible to learn the essence of the phenomenon and formulate conclusions, and the qualitative methods used, despite their problems (Flick 2002, pp. 5–24), as well as systemic analysis, complete the whole.
Facebook jako element zarządzania strategicznego czy kula u nogi nadawców? Przykład Estonii i Polski
Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 3, Numer 3, 2015, s. 181-196
https://doi.org/10.4467/23540214ZM.15.009.4869Facebook as an Element of Strategic Management or Broadcasters Ball and Chain. Example of Estonia and Poland
The social media are more and more important in creating the strategy for conventional media development. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how social media as Internet tools can diversify access to media and affect on the dynamics of dialogue with readers. Discovering the specifics of the Internet communication via social media becomes important. The article contains the characteristics of leading national dailies in Estonia and Poland and description their Facebook profiles. The authoress has examined the number of entries, likes and news sharing on dailies official Facebook profiles in the first two weeks of April 2015 (1.04.2015–15.04.2015). The results of the analysis are far from optimistic. The official dailies profiles available on Facebook are not a represent significant platform for dialogue. There are not effective for maintaining relationships between customers and newspapers. Maintaining a Facebook account in many cases seems to be only a necessity. In most cases it is not a complementing channel of communication between traditional press and readers. Only a few media publishers can lead account on Facebook in effective way.
Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 9, Numer 1, 2021, s. 17-36
https://doi.org/10.4467/23540214ZM.21.006.13054The impact of hate speech contained in the statements of the Alternative for Germany party representatives on changes taking place in the media management system in Germany
The purpose of the article is to present the introduced legal solutions regulating the functioning and management of the media system in Germany, which came into force under the influence of changes in political communication. A case study is presented examples of hate speech in the discourse of the party of the new right-wing populism –Alternative for Germany (Alternative fur Deutschland, AfD). The party uses rhetoric which until now has been marginal in the German media and since the refugee crisis it has become an increasingly common form of expression. The analysis was conducted against the backdrop of events that influenced the Bundestags to adopted Law improving law enforcement in social networks (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtsdurchsetzung in sozialen Netzwerken, Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, NetzDG). The analysis leads to the conclusions that the new right-wing populism changed the style of communication on the German political scene, which is not without influence on the decisions making by the legislator to introduce specific legal provisions regulating the management and framework of discourse in the social media in this state.
JEL: K24