Kamil Kijek
Studia Judaica, Nr 2 (40), 2017, s. 408 - 413
Kamil Kijek
Studia Judaica, Nr 2 (44), 2019, s. 337 - 353
https://doi.org/10.4467/24500100STJ.19.016.12399Mordechaj Canin, Przez ruiny i zgliszcza. Podróżpo stu zgładzonych gminach żydowskich w Polsce, tłum. Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska, Wydawnictwo Nisza, Warszawa 2018, ss. 526.
* Materiały wykorzystane w tym tekście zebrano w wyniku projektu badawczego „Inclusion of Jewish Citizens in Postwar Czechoslovak and Polish Societies” (project nr 16–01775Y) finansowanego przez Czeską Fundację Naukową (Czech Science Foundation).
Kamil Kijek
Studia Judaica, Nr 2 (48), 2021, s. 535 - 542
https://doi.org/10.4467/24500100STJ.21.021.15076Kamil Kijek
Studia Judaica, Nr 2 (34), 2014, s. 85 - 104
The article presents the experience of the years of World War I and revolutions as remembered by Polish Jewish adolescents in the 1930s. The author attempts to answer the question what was the common meaning attributed to the representations of the war years among young people coming from different strata of interwar Polish Jewish society, as well as the social and political signicance of these representations.