Kamil Jawgiel
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 148, 2017, s. 107 - 133
https://doi.org/10.4467/20833113PG.17.005.6273Integration of a flood risk management and waters protection system on the example of the Warta Valley between Konin and Oborniki
The aim of the study was the analysis of the integration of a flood risk management and water protection system in a selected section of the Warta Valley with taking into consideration the guidelines of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive. The structure of the valley is comprised within a distance of 201.1 km by stretches of: an urstromtal, between the towns of Konin and Śrem, and the Warta gorge stretch between Śrem and Oborniki. High environmental values of the valley are shown, related to the presence of conservation areas and, on the other hand, a high flood hazard risk, resulting e.g. from advancing land development in the valley and its low retention capacity. The Integrated Water Resources Management guidelines conception was used in the analysis, inlcuding pointing out the directions of relations between minimizing flood risk and protection of natural values of the Warta River and its valley. Spatial distribution of the flood hazard and risk in the Warta Valley was also analyzed. A detailed analysis covered activities of a technical and non-technical character intended to stop the growth of flood risk. In the field of water conservation, the considered objectives included: achieving and maintaining a good ecological potential of waters or the risk of failing to achieve it, which is determined by a high urbanisation ratio, draining of an open-pit lignite mine, extensive morphological change in the river bed and pollution discharged into the waters from land used for agriculture. The results proved that one of the most significant factors directly impacting the environmental condition and ecological potential of the waters is the activity related to flood risk reduction. Potential threats to the functioning of NATURA 2000 areas characterized by high natural values were also indicated.
Kamil Jawgiel
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 140, 2015, s. 9 - 23
https://doi.org/10.4467/20833113PG.15.001.3530Rating criteria of the VGI quality on the examples of odour immission monitoring in Tarragona and the SABAP2 ornithological system
Since 2007 there has been a discussion on the quality of data gained from volunteering. The information, which is gained from the volunteers, is based on the search for new experience and is usually considered as inaccurate and incorrect. This is why the evaluation of the VGI system in various forms is introduced. In the criteria analysis of the quality of VGI the Myszczuk’s (2012) dimensions of proper functioning of the VGI, the Haklay’s (2010) VGI classification levels and the Cooper’s et al. (2012) set of the VGI quality characteristics were used, which formed the basis of the information types development and a plane for the comparative analyzes. Because of their utilitarian meaning, their goal is to raise the standards of the provided information and improvement of the developed information systems quality. Analysis of the quality of volunteering geographic information (VGI) was carried out on the example of monitoring odour immission in Tarragona and ornithological system SABAP2.
Zarys treści: Od 2007 r. trwa dyskusja na temat jakości danych uzyskanych z wolontariatu (VGI). Informacje, które uzyskuje się od ochotników, często wynikają z poszukiwania przez nich nowych doświadczeń i są zwykle uważane za niedokładne i błędne. W pracy przedstawiono wprowadzane w różnych postaciach oceny VGI. W analizie kryteriów jakości VGI wykorzystano podstawowe wymiary sprawnie funkcjonującego systemu VGI wyróżnione przez Myszczuka (2012), klasyfikację poziomów zaangażowania wolontariatu VGI Haklaya (2010) oraz zestaw cech opisujących VGI według Coopera i in. (2011). Stwierdzono, że atrybuty te stanowiły podstawę rozwoju typów informacji i płaszczyznę dla analiz porównawczych. Ze względu na utylitarność tej klasyfikacji celem opracowania jest określenie standardów dostarczanej informacji, co może posłużyć poprawie jakości rozwiniętych już systemów VGI. Analizę jakości Informacji Geograficznej (VGI) przeprowadzono na przykładzie monitoringu imisji odoru w Tarragonie i systemu ornitologicznych SABAP2.