Joanna Orzeł
Prace Historyczne, Numer 146 (4), 2019, s. 715 - 734, tradition, power: Trojan origin myth in French pre-Enlightenment historiography (reconnaissance research)
The beginnings of a nation or country occupy a special position in the mentality of every society. As medieval France searched for its roots in mythological and biblical events, the French attempted to prove their Troyan origins, as Troy was one of the most popular motives at the time. This article turns to Jan Assmann’s concept of cultural memory to describe how in the early modern period this myth was changed and adapted to current needs. In France the Trojan myth served as an argument backing the independence of the French nation, and was constructed in opposition to the descent from the Gauls, who were conquered by the Romans. In addition, it was a tool of foreign policy (against England, the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire) and in internal politics.
* Artykuł powstał w ramach badań przeprowadzonych dzięki dotacji celowej Wydziału Filozoficzno-Historycznego Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego nr B1611400001362.02. Kwerenda została uzupełniona podczas pobytu w Londynie sfinansowanego ze stypendium Fundacji z Brzezia Lanckorońskich.
Joanna Orzeł
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki, Tom 64, Numer 1, 2019, s. 79 - 96