Jan Smutek
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2016), Volume 6 (2016), s. 32-44
https://doi.org/10.4467/24512249JG.16.011.5456The main purpose of this paper is to present areas and directions of integration and disintegration in East-Central Europe. It is based on the comparison of the two development strategies for the two supraregional areas in Poland namely: Western Poland and Eastern Poland. Supraregions are groups of highest administrative units in Poland – voivodeships. It is not any kind of administrative unit, and neither statistical. The reason for supraregional strategies are common challenges of development of groups of voivodeships. In our analysis we present differences between those strategies in scope of cross-border cooperation. We concentrate on four thematic issues: transport connections, economy, academia and a role of foreign institutions in a preparation and a modification of documents. In this way, we confirm that in the East-Central Europe are existing areas of integration and disintegration reflecting also long lasting division of Europe into West and East. We stress that those disintegration areas, mostly the eastern frontier of the European Union, are the result of state policies.
Jan Smutek
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 131, 2012 , s. 55-79