Izabela Mleczko
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 1 (171), 2019 (XLV), s. 85-106
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444972SMPP.19.004.10254This article explores the relationship between international migration and the precarization of work among young migrants from selected medium-sized cities in Poland. The authors analyze, whether international migration allows for a change or, on the contrary, preserves precarious work conditions. This is examined in the context of young people who try to avoid precarization by migrating from their local communities. Theoretical framework of this work concerns “liquid migration”, which is based on the temporariness, flexibility, and unpredictability of life trajectories. In the professional context, “liquid migrants” have to adapt to a flexible, deregulated and increasingly transnational labour market. Such labour markets are associated with specific challenges, one of them being the precarization of work and the fact that contemporary work signifies a number of risks. Based on the empirical material from the “Education-to-domestic and- foreign labor market transitions of youth: The role of local community, peer group and new media” project, the authors are looking for the answer to the questions about the role of migration experience in the process of experiencing work precarization, both in objective and subjective terms.