Inga Kawka
Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2024 (10), 2024, s. 403 - 406
https://doi.org/10.4467/24497800RAP.24.024.20242Inga Kawka
Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne, Tom XXV, 2017, s. 127 - 137
https://doi.org/10.4467/2543733XSSB.17.009.7255Jan Kułakowski, Secretary General of the World Confederation of Labour, did not officially pursue the Polish national interest as a Polish immigrant and his activity on behalf of Solidarność was limited by the structures of his organisation. However, there is no doubt that his contacts with the Polish opposition and strong emotional bond with his native country made him successfully support the interests of Polish workers within the WCL. This is evidenced by the affiliation of NSZZ Solidarność (as the only Eastern European trade union) not only with the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, but also with the World Confederation of Labour.
Inga Kawka
Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2019 (5), 2019, s. 40 - 59
https://doi.org/10.4467/24497800RAP.19.003.11466Artykuł dotyczy ustawodawstwa regulującego ubieganie się przez cudzoziemców z państw spoza Unii Europejskiej (z państw trzecich) o zezwolenie na wykonywanie pracy w Polsce. Jego celem jest ustalenie, czy zadania, które postawił przed sobą ustawodawca, tj. ujednolicenie i uproszczenie przepisów oraz usprawnienie wydawania cudzoziemcom zezwoleń na pracę zarobkową, zostały zrealizowane. W związku z tym opisano ułatwienia, ale i administracyjno-prawne bariery, na jakie napotykają cudzoziemcy z państw trzecich, którzy chcą pracować w Polsce. Przeanalizowano m.in. procedury uzyskiwania przez cudzoziemców z państw trzecich jednolitego zezwolenia na pobyt i pracę, zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy ze względu na pracę sezonową oraz zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy w celu prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej.
Legal Aspects of Employment of Foreign Nationals from Non-EU Countries in Poland
The article concerns legislation regulating the application by foreigners from countries outside of the European Union (third countries) for the work permit in Poland. The aim is to establish whether the objectives set by the legislator, i.e. legislative harmonisation and simplification as well making the process of issuing permits for remunerated work to foreigners, have been attained. Consequently, this study defines facilitations yet mainly administrative-legal obstacles faced by non-EU foreign nationals wishing to work in Poland. The article features an analysis of, inter alia, procedures for obtaining by non-EU foreigners a single stay and work permit, a temporary stay permit related to seasonal work as well as temporary stay permit related to economic operation.
Inga Kawka
Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2015 (1), 2015, s. 117 - 144
Methods for creating a European single market for services
In the case of creating a single services market, the methods for the integration of national legal systems are most of all direct in nature and based on directing the orders and prohibitions resulting from the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Union’s secondary law to the Member States. Increasingly often, however, the traditional methods of creating the internal services market are effectively complemented by indirect methods, e.g. using European soft law, creating informal networks of public administration authorities which serve to help individuals exercise their rights resulting from the Union’s acquis, and conducting mutual assessment of solutions used in the legal systems of the Member States in order to implement EU directives,. Analysis of Polish law and practices of the Polish economic administration confirm the postulated trend.
Inga Kawka
Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne, Tom XXX, 2021, s. 65 - 78
https://doi.org/10.4467/2543733XSSB.21.006.13799Political and Ideological Dimension of the 1948 Conflict Between the Soviet Union and Yugoslav in the Light of the Reports of Belgian Diplomats
The article concerns the conflict between Tito and Stalin in 1948. The aim of the article is to define how the Belgian diplomacy perceived the split between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, and, above all, how it diagnosed its causes and effects. Moreover, the analysis of Belgian diplomatic documents shows the great importance that Western countries attached to the first major breach in the Eastern bloc.