Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (4), 2019, s. 53-72 Contemporary challenges motivate academics to look for forms of activities stimulating creative processes, releasing creativity, and supporting cooperation between universities and their socio‑economic environments, including the expansion of knowledge with the active participation of these environments. Such effects are brought about by cooperation within the framework of a community of practice – a traditional form of academics’ organizing themselves that is currently being rediscovered.
Research aims. A presentation and analysis of examples of informal academic cooperation in Poland and the United Kingdom.
Methodology. A case study has been conducted on the basis of statements made by British and Polish researchers and practitioners involved in communities of practice.
Findings. The result of the conducted research is the identification of a theoretical basis necessary for understanding various types of voluntary cooperation within an academic community. The research results show that communities of practice are an effective way of working thanks to the stimulation of creative processes, academics’ individual development, and advantages gained by institutions. Their key strengths are the absence of formalization and the joy of creation. They constitute a renaissance of the traditional forms of work compatible with academics’ styles of living.
JEL Codes: I23
Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (27), 2014, s. 273-284 of Public Sector in Poland — Implications for Local Government Organizations
The paper discusses the impact that extensive introduction of project management, that caused projectifi cation of public sector, exerts on public organizations. Considerations apply to both the projectifi cation process, its essence, as well as the operation of projectifi ed public organizations including local government organizations. The authors draw attention to the fact that the initial enthusiasm and uncritical assessment of projects, as an antidote to the bureaucracy of the public sector, may be premature. Projectifi cation causes a number of changes that are not always positive and also further limit the activities of public organizations.
Artykuł omawia wpływ, jaki intensywne wprowadzenie zarządzania przez projekty, które wywołało projektyzację sektora publicznego, wywiera na organizacje publiczne. Rozważania dotyczą zarówno samego procesu projektyzacji, jego istoty, jak i funkcjonowania organizacji sprojektyzowanego sektora publicznego, w tym organizacji samorządu terytorialnego. Autorki zwracają uwagę na fakt, iż pierwotny entuzjazm i bezkrytyczne spojrzenie na projekty jako antidotum na biurokrację sektora publicznego mogły być pochopne. Projektyzacja powoduje bowiem wiele zmian, które nie zawsze są pozytywne, a także dodatkowo ograniczają działania organizacji publicznych.
Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 85-97 responsible policy of the local authorities in the area of education
Due to knowledge playing an essential role in development of modern societies, there is an increased interest in the issue of the responsibility of the public authorities for the quality and results of the educational policy. Authors broaden the meaning of responsibility of politicians towards society, referring to CSR concept developed for companies, classical debate between Carl Friedrich and Herman Finer, as well as contemporary concept of “moral public policy”. They expose main shortcomings of social responsibility of public organisations in Poland, using two urban educational policies as examples. They draw attention to superficiality of so called objective policy, concealing the game of current interests, being de facto the manifestation of the lack of real responsibility of public policy.