Ewa Stachura
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 14/2015, 2015, s. 190 - 195
The Linear City concept in spatial planning has been present since Soria y Mata’s proposal in 1882 (Collins, 1959). Yet, naturally conditioned elongated urban developments have not been a frequent subject of research. However, dynamic urbanization under ongoing processes of globalization have brought new conditions and challenges for cities, among them a strong impact of international financial markets on a city space. Cultural and recreational areas are being systematically replaced by commercial and office buildings what disrupts correct city structure. The set of conditions mentioned above relate to linear cities as well.
Apart from analyzing possible causes of developing existing linear cities, this paper aims to examine their contemporary development possibilities determined by mentioned above factors. Sarajevo, BiH serves as case example. On the basic of extensive literature review the development possibilities have been recognized. In case of Sarajevo possible interventions appear as strengthening main transportation axes and establishing new centers along the city spine1.
Ewa Stachura
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 2-A (7) 2013, 2013, s. 137 - 155
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.018.2601The transition period in Poland has allowed to establish a new segment of investors which are small towns and municipalities. This new group of investors undertake the task of new investment building new objects and elements of infrastructure. services, many of which manages to successfully finalize. New investments are usually successful in case of favorable location of the town in the region, its tourism attractiveness and good communication links. Already existing services and development also enable to start the new ventures as well as a precise vision and mission of the local government competently translates into strategic objectives then expressed by the idea of investment. This study presents a method of creating an information system for investment decisions in a small town - a seat of the municipality. It is related to the service buildings development. This paper shows the method of analysing and evaluating the location of the planned investment options in the context of the local master plan and the characteristics of the land. A method of a questionnaire survey was used to measure the level of acceptance for the planned investment by the future users. Selected segments of stakeholder groups were interviewed to get the opinions on the future program and architecture of the planned buildings.
Ewa Stachura
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 29/2019, 2019, s. 54 - 59
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.19.041.11672Linear megastructures, apart from megastructures in general, are one of several types of concepts in context of linear urban development. The term refers to various compact architectural, infrastructural and transportation plans in linear form. With their daunting massive scale these concepts are often attributed to utopian attempts of pursuing an ideal city and therefore doomed to remain unrealized. This paper examines several models created throughout the course of history in terms of their emergence motivation, socio-economic circumstances and relation to urban sustainability. Through the analysis, it is argued that linear megastructures are often unjustly rejected without acknowledgement of their underlying beneficial features in terms of mitigating challenges to sustainable urban development.
Ewa Stachura
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Numer 2/2017, 2017, s. 147 - 160
https://doi.org/10.4467/00000000PUA.17.032.7213Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i opis wzajemnych powiązań i obszarów współpracy między uczelnią, biznesem a samorządem. Ich współdziałanie jest warunkiem powodzenia podjętych zadań. Efektywność współpracy uczelni, biznesu i samorządu w zmieniających się warunkach ekonomicznych i społecznych wpływa bowiem na jakość uzyskanych rezultatów. Każdy z podmiotów formułuje strategie i cele działania, uwzględniając współdziałanie z partnerami. Kolejnym celem artykułu jest sformułowanie przesłanek do modelu współpracy, który uwzględniając różnice misji i zadań uczelni, biznesu oraz samorządu, wzmacniałby i przyspieszał działania na rzecz przekształceń przestrzeni zurbanizowanej. Włączenie społeczności lokalnych w opisane działania byłoby ważnym elementem realizacji celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Istnieje bogata praktyka inicjowania i realizacji projektów na rzecz przestrzeni zurbanizowanej w różnej skali przy udziale trójkąta: uczelnia, biznes, samorząd. W artykule zaprezentowany zostanie case-study: Projekt placu Długosza w Raciborzu.
Ewa Stachura
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 2-A (7) 2013, 2013, s. 125 - 135
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.017.2600Urbanization taking place in Poland in the second half of the twentieth century was characterized by high dynamics. The development of residential architecture in the years 1945‒1989 should be considered in the strict context of the Polish former economic system, which determined the framework for the development of the country. Due to the political transformation that occurred in 1989, Polish architecture preceded to then opened up new opportunities for residential development. The aim of the paper is to present contemporary housing conditions in Poland. The housing environment can be separated into three areas each based the relationship between the space and its user. In the first is the urban scale attribute of the public space in the housing estate (complex). The second the semi-public space character at the neighborhood level; and the third is the private space being the interior of the flat where the inhabitants have greatest ability to change. The paper focuses on the urban scale attributes of the housing environment and the quality of commonly used areas within the building.
Ewa Stachura
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 38/2022, 2022, s. 40 - 50
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.22.001.16101Współczesne mieszkanie ma służyć człowiekowi i rodzinie w realizacji dążeń odpowiadających aspiracjom i wymogom czasu. Struktura (osiedle), w którym się znajduje, powinno zapewnić społeczności sąsiedzkiej warunki do zachowania prywatności oraz kontaktu i współdziałania. Środowisko mieszkaniowe ma również manifestować wyznawane wartości i osobowość mieszkańców: styl zamieszkiwania wyraża bowiem relacje człowieka z kulturą. Celem artykułu jest 1) opis najważniejszych trendów, które zarysowały się w architekturze mieszkaniowej w XXI wieku oraz 2) identyfikacja czynników wpływających na architekturę mieszkaniową w Polsce i wskazanie, które z nich promują, a które hamują implementację cech innowacyjnych. Świadomość zjawisk i procesów zachodzących w architekturze mieszkaniowej i mieszkalnictwie może pomóc lepiej wpływać na rozwój środowiska mieszkaniowego w kierunku zrównoważenia.
Housing Trends - XXI CE Poland
Contemporary housing attempts to help people and families meet their aspirations and social needs. A dwelling and housing estate should provide neighbourhood ties, privacy, contact, and cooperation. The housing environment also manifests the values and personality of residents: living style expresses the relationship between humans and culture. The paper aims to 1) describe the most important trends that have emerged in housing architecture in the 21st century and 2) identify factors influencing housing architecture in Poland and indicate which types promote and hamper the implementation of innovative design features. Awareness of the phenomena and processes occurring in housing and design can help better shape the development of housing environments towards sustainability.