Elżbieta Węcławowicz-Bilska
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 40/2022, 2022, s. 4 - 17
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.22.018.17001W artykule poruszono problematykę formowania i funkcjonowania monumentalnych postmodernistycznych kościołów jako form mocnych w przestrzeni osiedli mieszkaniowych z lat 70. i 80. XX wieku. Celem przedstawionych w artykule badań jest diagnoza potrzeb lokalnych społeczności dotycząca obecności kościoła w kontekście jego formy w środowisku zamieszkania. Badanie wykonano na bazie eksperymentów formalnych i przestrzennych reprezentatywnych dla polskiej architektury sakralnej tamtych lat. Wśród metod badawczych dominuje analiza porównawcza przykładów, obok kwerendy literaturowej i badań in situ. Analizie poddano trzy obiekty: w Warszawie, Wadowicach i Wrocławiu.
Polish Postmodern sacred architecture in the space of housing estates
The article deals with the issues of the formation and functioning of monumental postmodern churches as strong forms in the space of housing estates from the 1970s and 1980s. The aim of the research presented in the article is to diagnose the needs of local communities regarding the presence of the church in the context of its form, in the living environment. The research was carried out on the basis of formal and spatial experiments representative of the Polish religious architecture of those years. Among the research methods, the comparative analysis of examples dominates, next to the literature query and in situ research. Three sites were analyzed: in Warsaw, Wadowice and Wrocław.
Elżbieta Węcławowicz-Bilska
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 11 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 71 - 86
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.18.163.9419Dynamiczny rozwój uzdrowisk jest przyczyną porównania tendencji zmian obserwowanych pod względem rozwoju i aranżacji przestrzeni w kompleksach terapeutycznych i przyległych miejscowościach. Badania wykazały różnice zarówno w programie tych kompleksów, jak i w ich formalnych rozwiązaniach. Są one wynikiem różnic cywilizacyjnych, warunków środowiska naturalnego lub stanu zamożności obywateli. Może to stanowić inspirację dla rozwoju polskich układów uzdrowiskowych. W warunkach konkurencyjnego rozwoju, wzrostu zamożności społeczeństwa oraz dbałości o zdrowie i dobrą kondycję fizyczną w pełni uzasadnione są poprawa standardów jakości przestrzeni publicznych i zwiększenie ilość terenów zielonych.
The dynamic development of health resorts is cause for the comparison of the tendencies in the changes observed in terms of the development and arrangement of the space in therapeutic complexes and their adjacent localities. Studies demonstrated differences both in the programme of these complexes, as well as in their formal solutions.There are the result of civilizational differences, conditions of the natural environment or of the state of affluence of citizens. there can constitute an inspiration for the development of Polish layouts of spa, In conditions of competitive development, the increase in the wealth of society and the care for health and good physical fitness, the fully justified are improvment of standards quality of public spaces and increasing the amount of green areas.
Elżbieta Węcławowicz-Bilska
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 19/2017, 2017, s. 54 - 62
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.17.027.7617Miasta typu smart są efektem rozwoju technik innowacyjnych i całego sektora badań w zakresie zaawansowanych technologii. Liczne globalne firmy są zainteresowane sprzedażą swoich produktów, które są adresowane i przystosowywane do rozwiązań miejskich. Obserwując rozwój miast inteligentnych wyróżnić można rozmaite etapy wprowadzania produktów zaawansowanych technologicznie do codziennego życia miasta, a z czasem także do kreacji rożnej wielkości założeń urbanistycznych a nawet całych miast. Wprowadzanie tych produktów związane jest także z prowadzonymi badaniami społeczności miejskich i ich adaptacji do przyjmowania coraz nowszych rozwiązać.W artykule zostanie przedstawionych, wyróżnionych przez autorkę sześć etapów rozwoju miast typu smart popartych przykładami głównie z terenu Europy, oraz ich ilustracjami.
Stages of development of smart cities
Smart cities are the result of the development of innovative techniques and the entire advanced technology research sector. Numerous global companies are interested in selling their products, which are addressed and adapted to urban solutions. By observing the development of smart cities, you can distinguish the various stages of introducing technologically advanced products to the everyday life of the city, and over time also the creation of different sizes of urban assumptions and even cities. The introduction of these products is also related to ongoing research in urban communities and their adaptation to take more and newer fix. The paper will be presented, distinguished by the author of six stages in the development of smart cities supported by examples mainly from Europe, and their illustrations.
Elżbieta Węcławowicz-Bilska
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 4 A (9) 2014, 2014, s. 3 - 18
The changes in the system of urbanization, initiated by research and the resulting designs at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, consisted ‘consisted’ implies there were no either kinds of changes, if you don’t mean that, use ‘included’ and take out ‘of’ of increasing the share not sure what you mean by share in this context, might ‘proportion’ be better? of green areas in urban spaces. Actions aimed at improving the human urbanized living environment, induced by the U’Thant’s report and subsequent international documents, now seem to have been a permanent development trend. Simultaneously, other actions may be observed, relating to the introduction of smart technology solutions into the urban area aimed primarily at focusing on the maximized use of urban space and additionally at sustainable development. Sometimes, the need for contact with the natural environment is the reason for seeking the direct experience of large areas of attractive natural environment. Hence, more and more often, the latest urban creations boast high quality spaces featuring perfectly organized and developed green areas.
Elżbieta Węcławowicz-Bilska
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 2 A (2) 2014, 2014, s. 307 - 326
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.029.2479In today’s development projects on urban space can be observed some clear trends, with relate to the natural environment and cultural heritage, the social environment, and economic conditions. In studies conducted in different research centers adopted similar criteria for determining ecological towns, cities, green, smart cities and towns intelligent community. The alignment of the trends, concepts, implementation of the European cities of the future of trends, concepts and implementation of urban planning in Poland is the main objective of this paper.
Elżbieta Węcławowicz-Bilska
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 12-A (27) 2015, 2015, s. 49 - 74
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.15.373.4992The first examples of ecological cities may be found in the towns built along Ebenezer Howard’s concept of the garden city and also in the urban settlements erected along the lines of Clarence Perry’s neighbourhood unit model. It turns out, that some ideas featured in the garden city formula have retained their appeal in the 21st century, too. Initially, the concept was related to the natural environment conservation and meant using the latest technological developments and cutting-edge products to protect the environment and improve the conditions of human existence, but later on the idea of an ecological city merged with intelligent city to become one complex and multi-dimensional concept.
Elżbieta Węcławowicz-Bilska
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 2-A (8) 2016, 2016, s. 63 - 77
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.16.177.5788Network of settlements in the Carpathians was formed during the Middle Ages for most of the area. In the process of its creation, the most important factor was the presence of transit routes connecting northern and southern routes as well as the piedmont extending from east to west. Cities were invested in along all of these routes. In most planning documents, prepared at the national and provincial level, tradition was based on the development of tourism, leisure and spa treatment, in the southern Polish. Today, this development directs the main focus primarily on the towns and areas with high natural resources and cultural values. Therefore, this tendency becomes the source of conflict. Finally, the potential of the social resources, intellectual and business people of the region has not yet been fully utilised.