Dominik Kwiatkowski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 11 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 187-196 podjęta w referacie dotyczy poszukiwania rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych poduszek pneumatycznych [1, 2] w celu minimalizacji zużycia powietrza, pracy przy możliwie niskim ciśnieniu oraz uniezależnienia poduszki od wrażliwości na nierówności posadzki. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie z wielostrumieniowym wypływem powietrza. Rozwiązanie to uzyskano w wyniku analizy teoretycznej, następnie wykonano prototyp urządzenia i przeprowadzono badania stanowiskowe.
The subject of this paper concerns the search for structural solutions of pneumatic cushions [1, 2] in order to minimize the air consumption, operate at the lowest admissible pressure and compensate for the unevenness of the floor. The paper presents the solution with a multi-nozzle air outflow. This solution was obtained by a theoretical analysis, then a prototype of the device was made and laboratory tests were carried out.
Dominik Kwiatkowski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 1-M (5) 2013 , 2013, s. 221-227 paper presents the results of research on minimizing the air consumption of the air cushions used to move the transport platform. This kind of transport becomes more popular in industry. It is applied especially to move heavy machinery and equipment in factories with hardened floors. The working medium is air. This system has many advantages but it is characterized by high air consumption. The paper takes the issues of searching solutions to minimizing the air consumption. To perform the computational analysis a mathematical model was defined. Simulations were performed by using Maple software.
Dominik Kwiatkowski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 2 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 211-218 paper presents the results of research for load lifting process for a single pneumatic cushion. The load lifting process has been simulated in SolidWorks Simulation using the model of Mooney-Rivlin for hyperelastic material. Research was conducted based on a simplified 3D model and drawn up a mathematical model of pneumatic cushions determining of non-linear static characteristics for the lifting height depending on the weight of the load and supply pressure. The results compare with the results of laboratory tests conducted for the platform equipped with four air cushions.