Dariusz Krawczyk
Terminus, Tom 25, zeszyt 3 (68) 2023, 2023, s. 361 - 374
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843844TE.23.021.18209Dariusz Krawczyk
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 9, Numer 1, 2021, s. 37 - 54
https://doi.org/10.4467/23540214ZM.21.001.13049L82Presentation of the methods of staying in touch with journalists that are preferred by media relations specialists is the aim of the paper. The opinion survey dedicated to this issue was carried out in 2020 among all spokespersons for the municipalities forming the statutory separated Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis (Metropolis GZM). It was found that personalized communication tools such as e.g. personal e-mail (40%) or telephone conversations (22%) are most commonly used. Obtained results were compared with the results of analysis with 94% share of Silesian police officers authorized to provide information to the media. An assessment of social reach of disinformation and verification of perception of the effectiveness of publishing the corrections, as a way of responding to distortions in press materials, were also subject of the study.
JEL: L82
Dariusz Krawczyk
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 19, Numer 2, Tom 19 (2019), s. 97 - 105
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843917RC.19.010.11700Between evolution and involution: François Habert and the literary tradition of allegorical temples
The poetic temples of François Habert (1508?–1561?) are one of the last vestiges of the tradition of allegorical temples, very popular in the time of the Rhétoriqueurs. But there remains very little in his poetry of this type-cadre and its characteristics. The comparison of his temples with the temples of Jean Lemaire de Belges and Clément Marot shows the poetic debt of this author towards his great predecessors and at the same time his way of appropriating tradition. As an évangélique he restores the metaphor in its original meaning: the pagan temple of courtly literature becomes church again.
Dariusz Krawczyk
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 17, Issue 2, 2022, s. 125 - 138
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843933ST.22.012.15600Melancholia i retoryka kościelna w La Dernière Semaine Michela Quilliana
W literaturze francuskiej końca XVI wieku melancholia jest bardzo silnie obecna. Nie stroni od niej nawet literatura religijna, czego dowodem jest bardzo popularny motyw vanitas oraz szeroko rozumiana literatura apokaliptyczna. Przekonanie o tym, że melancholia i religia są niekompatybilne, wydaje się więc błędne. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje kwestię sposobu, w jaki retoryka kościelna wykorzystuje motywy (m.in. samotność, strach, rozpacz), figury (hypotypoza) i obrazy charakterystyczne dla dyskursu melancholijnego do wzmocnienia przekazu religijnego na podstawie eposu apokaliptycznego La Dernière Semaine (Ostatni tydzień) Michela Quilliana z 1596 roku.
Melancholic Imagination and Sacred Rhetoric in Michel Quillian’s La Dernière Semaine
There are few areas of late 16th-century literature in France from which melancholy is absent. Religious literature does not escape it either, as testified by a very popular theme of vanitas. It is also evident in apocalyptic writing where religious rhetoric and melancholy meet. The French apocalyptic epics of the time take advantage of these possibilities to reinforce the effectiveness of the message. This article explores the melancholic landscapes in Michel Quillian’s La Dernière Semaine and considers the place that this imagery and these themes might have had in its author’s parenetic design and rhetorical choices.