Anna Agata Kantarek
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Numer 1/2017, 2017, s. 93 - 113ł przedstawia projekt dyplomowy strefy rekreacyjnej Nowego Sącza obejmującej tereny położone u zbiegu rzek Dunajca i Kamienicy Nawojowskiej wraz z propozycją przekształcenia terenów fabryki lodów Koral w krajobrazowo ukształtowany pawilon widokowy Centrum Promocji Regionu. Projekt wykonany został przez Iwonę Niemiec jako dyplom magisterski na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej, na kierunku Architektura, pod kierunkiem Anny Agaty Kantarek i obroniony w roku 2015.
Anna Agata Kantarek
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 1 A (1) 2014, 2014, s. 105 - 125 do we understand the life of the city, its time and its space? What requirements do we impose on the space we live in? What does the future mean to us? Today, answers to these questions are marked with a reflection upon the dynamic and scope of changes which affect us and our cities. What is and should remain the same; what changes or should change? Instead of presenting answers and visions, we ought to ask a number of questions which will define probable directions for the evolution of the form of the city. Is Kazimierz Wejchert’s spatial city – a kind of spatial, pedestrian continuum – the answer?
Anna Agata Kantarek
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 2-A (8) 2016, 2016, s. 51 - 62 paper presents the particular form of an urban block, divided into plots and built up with detached buildings. This form is derived from the single-family housing and has been adapted for multifamily housing purpose.
Anna Agata Kantarek
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 4-A (13) 2012, 2012, s. 71 - 89 paper presents the campus of the Lausanne Technical University (EPFL) in Ecublens and analyzes its form as an example of development of a superblock. History of EPFL goes back to 1853 and the school received independence in 1968. The decision to build a new campus out of city center, in Ecublens-Dorigny was made in the 60’s. Described superblock includes both University and EPFL, carrying out different ways of building and urban composition. This paper writes about the history of the spatial development of EPFL superblock presenting it in the perspective of an internal, logic extension of function and form, the relationship at the interface boundary line of a superblock, external relations with neighboring areas and the development of relations with the city. This relationships are formed at the basis of the logic of the neighborhood and plans and in scale of spatial planning of the whole agglomeration of Lausanne (Lausanne-Morges agglomeration Plan – PALM from 2007).