Anita Jarzyna
Wielogłos, Numer 1 (51) 2022: Ludzkie, pozaludzkie, postludzkie, 2022, s. 1 - 30 in the Family. The Ecocritical Potential of Joanna Pollakówna’s Poems
The focus of this paper are the Joanna Pollakówna’s poems (especially the titular work from the volume Dziecko-drzewo / Child-Tree), which intuitively anticipate the exploration of the ontology of the dead body presented in Ewa Domańska’s Nekros; they speak of the posthumous existence of human remains, of their life-giving potential for the earth in which they are deposited as well as for the plants (especially trees) that will grow from them. The proposed interpretation attempts to bring out the revolutionary dimension of these texts against the background of Christian and literary traditions. The article distinguishes between the interlocking problem fields crucial for a non-anthropocentric reading of Pollakówna’s works, which includes the meta-poetic dimension of the texts, the circle of post-secular associations and the connotations inscribed into familial metaphors indicating that suggestions of interspecies affinities with plants may be taken literally. All of this allows us to arrive at a postulate of protection that resonates with Pollakówna’s other works devoted to trees.