Andrej Kapjor
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 4-M 2016, 2016, s. 3 - 8 paper discusses the use of efficient surfaces for heat transfer enhancement during a nucleate boiling heat transfer. Distilled water under ambient pressure was the working fluid in the presented experiment. The application of a brass mesh of 0.63 mm aperture and 0.20 mm wire diameter on the surface of a copper heater led to considerable improvement in the value of heat flux at low temperature differences of a few Kelvin, where the enhancement ratio exceeded 2. Such modified surfaces could be used in the design of more efficient heatn exchangers e.g. in refrigeration systems.
Andrej Kapjor
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 12 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 193 - 198 paper presents the issue of boiling heat transfer enhancement with the use of different passive techniques, namely the application of wire mesh coatings, capillary porous layers, pin – fins and laser treatment. Enhanced boiling heat transfer has been described as well as the research data of the authors that deals with microstructural coatings. The conducted experimental tests confirm the possibility of increasing heat fluxes transferred at the same superheat value due to the use of heat transfer enhancing techniques.