Agnieszka Trąbka
Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 38, 2010, s. 131 - 138
Ethnographic museum as a way of speaking about other cultures. The case of Paris museums
The article focuses on the history of ethnographic museums in Paris. Since 19th century there have been certain signifi cant changes in the way ethnographic objects were treated. In 1937 Museum of Man replaced Museum Trocadero and recently, in 2006 Jacques Chirac opened new ethnographic museum: du Quai Branly. It provokes, however, controversies and discussions. In my analysis I try to illustrate the influence of most important questions in modern anthropology, such as heritage of colonialism, attitude towards cultures told „primitive” etc., on ethnographic exhibitions in Paris.
Agnieszka Trąbka
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 1 (171), 2019 (XLV), s. 11 - 21 Trąbka
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 4 (178), 2020 (XLVI), s. 49 - 70 impact of Brexit on young Poles living in the United Kingdom
The paper aims to analyse the impact of Brexit on the social anchoring of young Poles in the United Kingdom in four spheres of their lives: decision and return plans; application for British citizenship; buying properties; well-being and life satisfaction. The article is based on research conducted within the project „CEEYouth: The comparative study of young migrants from Poland and Lithuania in the context of Brexit”. We also handle statistics data from the Office for National Statistics as well as qualitative data from three waves of Qualitative Longitudinal Research of 41 young (aged 19–34) Polish post-accession migrants in the UK. We find that it is hard to unambiguously assess the impact of Brexit on the mentioned spheres of young Poles’ lives. Firstly, it is caused by the fact that different sources of data show results which are contrasting and secondly, the reactions of people are dynamically changing within the lapse of time. Therefore, it could be surely said that Brexit has impacted the lives of young Polish migrants, but it has caused neither mass return, nor the general willingness to naturalise. Although the results of the Brexit referendum have caused disturbance amid many Poles, it has not impacted their life decisions or, according to statistics, their well-being.
Agnieszka Trąbka
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 1 (171), 2019 (XLV), s. 235 - 255 article offers a two-fold contribution. On the one hand, it includes a review of the key junctions in the research landscape related to migrant children and youth by bringing together youth studies, migration studies and a child-centered paradigm with the focus on the meso-level and the concept of belonging. On the other hand, by seeing belonging as a valuable analytical framework for the integration of approaches at the tripartite analysis favoring the meso-level, the paper encourages studies to dynamically overcome the dichotomy, incompleteness and a static nature of the research conducted separately on either macro or micro levels.