Adrian Uljasz
Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXIV (2019), 2019, s. 115-129 the Collection of the Bookseller Marian Krzyżanowski as a Source of Research on the Musical and Theatrical Life of Cracow and Warsaw in the 19th and 20th Century
Programs and posters of theatre performances and concerts, as well as similar prints, serve as a valuable source of research on the tradition of the theatrical and musical life of particular cities. The Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow contains materials of this kind referring to cultural events in Cracow and Warsaw, which were collected by the Cracow bookseller, antiquarian and publisher Marian Krzyżanowski, a son of the Cracow bookseller and publisher Stanisław Andrzej Krzyżanowski. These are posters from classical music concerts, theatrical programs and invitations. The documents were prepared in the years 1884–1955. A large part of them is the documentation of the activity of the concert office run by Stanisław Krzyżanowski beside the bookshop from 1870. These prints are analysed in the paper. The overview of social life documents was preceded by information about Stanisław Andrzej Krzyżanowski and his son Marian and their activity in such fields as the animation of musical culture.
Ключевые слова: Мариан Кшижановский (1880–1964); музыкальная жизнь, театр, Краков, Варшавa, XIX в., XX в., история
Ценным источником в исследованиях традиции театральный и музыкальной жизни конкретных городов являются программы и афиши с театральными постановками и концертами, а также другие подобного рода печатные издания. В собраниях Научной библиотеки Польской академии знаний (PAU) и Польской академии наук (PAN) в Кракове находятся материалы подобного рода, относящиеся к культурным меро- приятиям, которые проходили в Кракове и Варшаве, и собранные краковским книготорговцем, антикваром и издателем Марьяном Кржижановским, сыном книготорговца, издателя и инвестора из Кракова, Станислава Анджея Кржижановского. Этоафиши концертов классической музыки, театральные программы и приглашения. Временные границы создания этих документов – это 1884–1955 гг. Большая часть материалов – это документация работы концертного бюро, которое действовало под началом Станислава Кржижановского в его книжном магазине с 1870 года. В статье были проанализированы эти печатные издания. Перед обсуждением документов, посвященных общественной жизни, автор представил информацию о Станиславе Анджее и Марьяне Кржижановских, а также о их деятельности, в том числе в области продвижения музыкальной культуры.
Adrian Uljasz
Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXII (2017), 2017, s. 79-103
Ludwik Osiński’s libretto for „Andromeda”, the opera by Józef Elsner, from 1807 in the manuscript collection of the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków
Among the literary texts available in manuscripts in the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, one that draws attention is a libretto written by a poet and plawright, Ludwik Osiński (1775–1838), for Andromeda, an opera composed by Józef Elsner (1769–1854). The opera was first staged in 1807 in Warsaw to honour Napoleon Bonaparte, in the times of the Duchy of Warsaw, after the French victory over the Prussians. Osiński used a mythological theme to glorify the Emperor. Napoleon was in the audience during one of the performences.
The handwriting, grammar and spelling of the text suggest that the manuscript from the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences comes from the 19th century. No information as to who wrote down the text has been found either in the manuscript itself or in the library’s catalogues.
210 years after those events it is worth bringing this work back. The Libretto was printed in 1808 as one complete work in two languages: Polish and in French translation. Now it is a historic publication from the epoque. Andromeda was not included in the four-volume publication of the author’s works presented in between 1861 and 1862. This article is the first critical edition of Osiński’s work.
Adrian Uljasz
Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, 2015, 2015, s. 127-143 notes of Julian Aleksander Bałaszewicz (born 1831 – the earliest date of death 1877) on the theatre repertoire staged in Warsaw in the period prior to the outbreak of the January Uprising and during the Uprising, available in the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, are published as a source material. In 1861 the author of the manuscript became a spy for the Russian authorities and an instigator operating in the circles of Polish and Russian immigrants in Paris and later London. In the latter he ran an antique shop with historic objects. He passed the acquired information to his superiors in his espionage reports. He recorded the titles of the plays staged in Warsaw in three lists: years 1862, 1863, 1864. In his lists he mentioned premieres and revivals dividing them according to the type of production. In addition, he differentiated between Polish dramas and those translated into Polish from other languages. The information about each staging was supplemented with the number of performances. Most of the plays from the Polish and foreign repertoire were staged very few times due to the boycott of the theatres by Polish audience in the years 1861–1864 and the curfew.
Adrian Uljasz
Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, 2016, 2016, s. 147-160 article refers to the material from the manuscript collection of the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow – a text by a poet, publicist and journalist, Zdzisław Kleszczyński (1889 – 1938) The Prologue for the Warsaw theatres for the 3rd of May 1916 written on the 125th anniversary of the Constitution. It includes the analysis of the work, information about the author and the circumstances of its creation and performance. The article is supplemented with an appendix – a scientific and critical publication of The Prologue. The Prologue was performed on the 3rd of May 1916 in the Rozmaitości Theatre in Warsaw before four stage productions of The Return of the Envoy by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz. Between The Prologue by Kleszczyński and the comedy of the Enlightenment age people sang God Save Poland.
Adrian Uljasz
Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXIII (2018), 2018, s. 319-332
The original manuscripts of Jan Lechoń’s two patriotic poems
Among the particularly valuable original manuscripts which are accessible in the collections of the Scientific Library of PAU and PAN are those of two poems by Jan Lechoń (Leszek Serafinowicz) (1899–1956): A Song about Stefan Starzyński and Farewell to ‘Marsellaise’, written in exile during the Second World War; they belong to the legacy of Ryszard Ordyński (1878–1953), a world-famous Polish theatre, opera, and film director. They form a part of the varia among Ordyński’s papers. The poems have never been cited by the authors of studies of Lechoń’s oeuvre, hence the presentation of their scholarly edition in the current volume of the ‘Yearbook of the Scientific Library of PAU and PAN in Cracow’.
Adrian Uljasz
Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXV (2020), 2020, s. 71-81 of Kajetan Koźmian’s Poetry in the Academic Library of the Polish Academy of Art and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences Collection
The Academic Library of the Polish Academy of Art and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences collection contains a great number of works by a poet Kajetan Koźmian (1771–1856). Especially valuable are the authorial manuscripts of the writer’s works.
The paper deals with some chosen autographs of K. Koźmian’s poems available in the Academic Library of the Polish Academy of Art and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences. An annex has been added at the end – a publication of K. Koźmian’s poem Cantata for the Coronation of Napoleon after the author’s manuscript which has yet to become a subject of any academic research.
The paper discusses the following authorial manuscripts of K. Koźmian’s poems with some elements of analysis: To Zygmunt Krasiński (Poem I), To Wincent Krasiński in 1843, An Anacreontic to S. Małachowski, Cantata for the Coronation of Napoleon, On Hegel’s Philosophy in 1848, 77 years of age, A Poem to Franciszek Wężyk on the Road to Karlsbad spa.
The paper refers to a research on some manuscripts of K. Koźmian’s poems done by a literary historian Piotr Żbikowski (1935–2011).
Ключевые слова: Козьмян Каэтан (1771–1856), Козьмян Каэтан (1771–1856) рукописи авторской поэзии, Научная библиотека Польской академии знаний и Польской академии наук в Кракове рукописи
В собраниях Научной библиотеки Польской академии знаний и Польской академии наук в Кракове хранится богатое наследие поэта Каэтана Козьмяна (1771–1856). Особую ценность представляют рукописные авторские записи произведений поэта. Статья посвящена избранным автографам поэзии К. Козьмяна, доступным в Научной библиотеке Польской академии знаний и Польской академии наук.
В приложении – публикация стихотворения К. Козьмяна Kantata na koronację Napoleona (Кантата на коронацию Наполеона), в соответствии с рукописью автора. Это произведение до сих пор не было предметом научной публикации.
В статье рассмотрены, с использованием элементов анализа, авторские рукописи стихов К. Козьмяна Do Zygmunta Krasińskiego (wiersz I), Do Wincentego Krasińskiego w roku 1843, Anakreontyk do S. Małachowskiego, Kantata na koronację Napoleona, Na filozofię Hegla – w r. 1848 życia 77, Wiersz do Franciszka Wężyka jadącego do wód do Karlsbadu.
Упомянуты исследования историка литературы Петра Жбиковского (1935–2011) над частью рукописей стихов К. Козьмяна.