Was sind die Ostjuden? Zu einigen Proben des Stereotypenwandels von osteuropäischen Judentum anhand der Publizistik von Nathan Birnbaum (1864–1937)
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Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, 2013, Issue 4 (2013), pp. 305 - 317
The negative stereotypization of East European Jews by assimilated West European Jews had both social and ideological grounds, and resulted from viewing East European Jews as a group of alien identity, that is of dissimilar language, culture and customs. The aim of the paper is to characterize the negative stereotype of East European Jews on the basis of analysis of Nathan Birnbaum’s press articles that attempted to break with this stereotype. The author focuses on the investigation of problems related to Ashkenazi identity in its general context and analyses these of its aspects that most frequently become the source of negative ethnic stereotypes, namely religious, linguistic and cultural.
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Information: Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, 2013, Issue 4 (2013), pp. 305 - 317
Article type: Original article
Was sind die Ostjuden? Zu einigen Proben des Stereotypenwandels von osteuropäischen Judentum anhand der Publizistik von Nathan Birnbaum (1864–1937)
University of Gdańsk
ul. Bażyńskiego 1a 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
Published at: 07.05.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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