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Między wzorcem a rzeczywistością. Socjalizacja żydowskich dziewcząt w polskojęzycznych pisemkach
dla dzieci 1925–1930

Publication date: 2021

Studia Judaica, 2021, Issue 1 (47), pp. 213 - 241



Anna Landau-Czajka
Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2090-9855 Orcid
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Między wzorcem a rzeczywistością. Socjalizacja żydowskich dziewcząt w polskojęzycznych pisemkach
dla dzieci 1925–1930


Between the Ideal Model and Reality: Socialization of Jewish Girls in Polish-Language Magazines for Children, 1925–1930

This article compares the patterns passed on in the years 1925–1930 by children’s magazines to Jewish girls with how they actually assessed themselves, what they considered important, what plans they had for the future. The author conducted an analysis of three Polish-language magazines for children: Chwilka, Dzienniczek, and Mały Przegląd. The first two contained texts by adult authors who showed children the accepted models of behavior and expectations from them. However, the patterns were divergent. On the one hand, girls were taught to be obedient and polite, and on the other hand as future inhabitants of Palestine they were supposed to be rebellious and courageous. These contrasting demands could not be reconciled. In Mały Przegląd, which published texts written by children, we find information about how young girls assessed themselves and what they were striving for. It seems that the contradictory requirements that could not be met led to far-reaching emancipation, perception of discrimination against women, and the choice of one’s own way of life.


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1. Źródła opublikowane
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2. Opracowania
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Information: Studia Judaica, 2021, pp. 213 - 241

Article type: Original article


Między wzorcem a rzeczywistością. Socjalizacja żydowskich dziewcząt w polskojęzycznych pisemkach
dla dzieci 1925–1930
Between the Ideal Model and Reality: Socialization of Jewish Girls in Polish-Language Magazines for Children, 1925–1930



Anna Landau-Czajka
Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2090-9855 Orcid
All publications →

Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN

Published at: 2021

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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Anna Landau-Czajka (Author) - 100%

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