“I Don’t Know if They Really Hated Us or if It Was for Fun”: Memories of Anti-Jewish Violence Perpetrated by Students of the Catholic University of Lublin in Oral Histories from the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre
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Studia Judaica, 2024, Issue 1 (53), pp. 77 - 103
“I Don’t Know if They Really Hated Us or if It Was for Fun”: Memories of Anti-Jewish Violence Perpetrated by Students of the Catholic University of Lublin in Oral Histories from the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre
This article explores the narratives describing the interactions between students of the Catholic University of Lublin and the local Jewish population. It analyzes oral histories from the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” archive using the theoretical framework of intergroup contact theory, intersectionality, and the concept of contact zone. The study presents the accounts thematically, according to the circumstances of the violent behavior, and notes its gendered nature-it was perpetrated mostly by Catholic men. Moreover, it seeks an explanation for these situations and, finally, points to the theory of memory of meanings as a helpful interpretative tool.
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Information: Studia Judaica, 2024, pp. 77 - 103
Article type: Original article
Lund University
Published at: 31.07.2024
Article status: Open
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