Dilemmas of Modern International Law – Between Legal Inhumane Non-Intervention and Illegal Humanitarian
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEDilemmas of Modern International Law – Between Legal Inhumane Non-Intervention and Illegal Humanitarian
Publication date: 15.10.2019
Securitologia, 2018, No 2 (28), pp. 57 - 71
Dilemmas of Modern International Law – Between Legal Inhumane Non-Intervention and Illegal Humanitarian
Over the past decades, threats have arisen in the international security environment related to the functioning of weak and countries unable to fulfill their functions in ensuring security and basic human rights for their citizens, referred to in the doctrine as failed/failing states. The international community has responded with humanitarian intervention that is part of the concept of responsibility for protection (Responsibility to Protect). This article is devoted to the issue of placing this concept in positive international law (remarks de lege lata) and the resulting applications (de lege ferenda comments).
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Information: Securitologia, 2018, No 2 (28), pp. 57 - 71
Article type: Original article
Dilemmas of Modern International Law – Between Legal Inhumane Non-Intervention and Illegal Humanitarian
Dilemmas of Modern International Law – Between Legal Inhumane Non-Intervention and Illegal Humanitarian
Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland
Published at: 15.10.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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