The Jewish Question in Wiadomości Literackie (1924–1939)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Jewish Question in Wiadomości Literackie (1924–1939)
Publication date: 15.02.2012
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2011, Volume 9, pp. 137 - 158
The Jewish Question in Wiadomości Literackie (1924–1939)
Being one of the leading cultural and literary periodicals, Wiadomości Literackie [“Literary News”] played an important role in shaping the literary tastes of members of the Polish intelligentsia, and was a peculiar institution in literary life itself. The primary goal assumed by the journal was to elevate the level of Polish culture and literature and to present the most recent phenomena of European culture to its readers. Starting from the first issue published on January 6, 1924, the weekly declared war on any phenomena that its editors considered parochial. It would have certain, significant consequences in the future, especially in relation to the Jewish issues presented by the periodical. The publisher’s brochure announcing the first issue of the periodical was published in December 1923, and contained an outline of Wiadomości Literackie. The weekly was addressed to a wide readership, which was meant to trigger free discussion on matters of Polish literary life, lead to its growth and stimulate the newborn movements in art. The periodical was meant to present reliable information and objective evaluation of various phenomena
Index of Contents of Wiadomości Literackie 1924–1939
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Information: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2011, Volume 9, pp. 137 - 158
Article type: Original article
The Jewish Question in Wiadomości Literackie (1924–1939)
The Jewish Question in Wiadomości Literackie (1924–1939)
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 15.02.2012
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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