Life Begins at the Landfill. On Unwanted City Inhabitants
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEŻycie zaczyna się na wysypisku. O niechcianych mieszkańcach miast
Publication date: 04.03.2020
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2019, Issue 4 (42), pp. 562 - 576
Życie zaczyna się na wysypisku. O niechcianych mieszkańcach miast
Life Begins at the Landfill. On Unwanted City Inhabitants
The article deals with the problem of the ambivalent status of garbage in urban space. The author explores, based on the Diana Lelonek Center for Living Things project, how wastes co-create new ecosystems, undermining our understanding of the concepts of environment and wasteland, and resists the capitalist logic of overproduction and redundancy.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2019, Issue 4 (42), pp. 562 - 576
Article type: Original article
Życie zaczyna się na wysypisku. O niechcianych mieszkańcach miast
Life Begins at the Landfill. On Unwanted City Inhabitants
Wydział „Artes Liberales” Uniwersytet Warszawski
Published at: 04.03.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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