Space as a film – architecture in the perspective of audiovisual studies
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPrzestrzeń jako film – architektura w perspektywie badań nad audiowizualnością
Publication date: 2013
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2013, Issue 3 (17) , pp. 234 - 247
Przestrzeń jako film – architektura w perspektywie badań nad audiowizualnością
Space as a Film. Architecture in the Perspective of Audiovisual Studies
Based on the BA thesis Urban Spaces of Motion Pictures: Modern Architecture in the Perspective of Audiovisual Studies, this paper explores the links between architecture and cinema. My goal is not only to show some theoretical concepts regarding this topic (including ones by Sergei Eisenstein, Walter Benjamin and Jean Baudrillard), but also, and primarily, to study the actual effect which the cinematic perception has on the fi eld of modern architecture. Therefore, I analyse two projects of Rem Koolhaas (Embassy of the Netherlands in Berlin and ZKM in Karlsruhe) in the perspective of audiovisual studies. In my analyses, I examine such notions as “the narrativity of architecture” and “the architectural media screen”, using some methodological tools borrowed from the field of film studies.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2013, Issue 3 (17) , pp. 234 - 247
Article type: Original article
Przestrzeń jako film – architektura w perspektywie badań nad audiowizualnością
Space as a film – architecture in the perspective of audiovisual studies
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 3233
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