Can a Park Save the City?: Hopes and Pitfalls of the London National Park City
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECan a Park Save the City?: Hopes and Pitfalls of the London National Park City
Publication date: 31.12.2020
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 4 (46), pp. 424 - 434
Can a Park Save the City?: Hopes and Pitfalls of the London National Park City
This article enquires into the transformative potential of the London National Park City. In doing so it situates the vision for, the becoming, and the Charter of an urban national park in relational thinking about metropolitan nature and sustainable urbanisation. It looks at hopes and pitfalls of the London National Park City in the face of growing socio-environmental injustice and the climate crisis. First, the article explores the National Park City as a form of ecological reflexivity and social practice in the context of relational concepts of nature and the city. Second, it examines opportunities offered by the Park City with respect to urban environmental sustainability, health and wellbeing, connected diversity, socio-economic inclusion and political agency. Third, it looks at pitfalls of the National Park City relating to environmental gentrification, as well as to trade-offs between grassroots creativity and capability to bring about material change. Last but not least, the article advocates for negotiation of synergies between ‘green’ and ‘grey’ urban natures as a strategy to address the climate crisis.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 4 (46), pp. 424 - 434
Article type: Original article
Can a Park Save the City?: Hopes and Pitfalls of the London National Park City
Can a Park Save the City?: Hopes and Pitfalls of the London National Park City
Institute of Global Prosperity, The Bartlett - UCL Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London, United Kingdom
Published at: 31.12.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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