Post-Austrian Divorce Law in Małopolska from 1918 to 1945. Selected Issues
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPost-Austrian Divorce Law in Małopolska from 1918 to 1945. Selected Issues
Publication date: 30.09.2019
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 12 (2019), Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 319 - 359
Post-Austrian Divorce Law in Małopolska from 1918 to 1945. Selected Issues
Austrian divorce law was in force in the territory of the former region of Galicia until the end of 1945. The possibility of seeking a civil divorce was determined by the internal law of the church that the betrothed couple belonged to on the wedding day. Thus, divorce was outlawed both for people of the Roman Catholic confession [§ 111(1) ABGB] and for married couples where even one of the spouses confessed the Roman Catholic religion at the time of their wedding to a non-Catholic Christian [§ 111(2) ABGB]. Not even a religious conversion on the part of the Catholic after the date of the wedding could create the possibility for the couple to obtain a divorce. In practice, Catholic residents of Małopolska resorted to “divorce migration” to more lenient legal jurisdictions. In any case, a divorce dispute was adjudicated before common courts according to state procedural rules. Divorce proceedings could be initiated in two ways, i.e. by unilateral request of one of the spouses, or by joint request of both spouses. Divorce in Jewish marriage was subject to certain legal differences, and could also be initiated in two ways, i.e. by the voluntary, uncontested request of both spouses [§§ 133–134 ABGB] or by way of a divorce application filed by the husband [§ 135(1) ABGB]. In both cases, the procedures were aimed at terminating the marriage by the husband’s presenting the wife with a so-called bill of divorce. Different civil proceedings regulated divorce disputes in Krakow in the period described (1918- 1945), i.e. the Austrian proceedings until the end of 1932 and the Polish proceedings of 1930 thereafter.
This publication is a modified and supplemented version of a portion of Chapter 2 of the Polish-language book by Z. Zarzycki, Rozwód w świetle akt Sądu Okręgowego w Krakowie w latach 1918–1945. Studium historyczno-prawne [Divorce in Light of the Krakow District Court files in 1918–1945. A Historical and Legal Study], Krakow 2010, pp. 126–164.
Imperial Decree of 28th June 1806 (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 771).
General Austrian Civil Code of Law (Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, ABGB) Bürgerliches of 1st June 1811.
Imperial Decree of 11th June 1813 (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 1053).
Imperial Decree of 27th August 1814 (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 1099).
Imperial Decree of 22nd October 1814 (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 1106).
Imperial Decree of 13th November 1816 (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 1296).
Imperial Decree (Hofdekret) of 23rd August 1819 regulating Proceedings in Contentious Matrimonial Matters (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 1595).
Imperial Decree of 10th August 1821 on Divorce and Separation of Jewish Spouses in the Event of Conversion to the Christian Religion (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 1789).
Imperial Decree of 19th May 1827 (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 2277).
Decree of the Imperial Legal Office of 4th February 1837 on Regulations Applicable in Divorces of Israelites who Converted to the Christian Religion (Collection of Judicial Acts, No. 168).
Imperial Patent of 3rd May 1853 containing a court instruction (Journal of State Laws No. 81).
Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 8th August 1853 on Regulations Applicable in Divorce and Separation of Spouses of the Israeli Faith who Converted to the Christian Faith (Journal of State Laws No. 160).
Act of 25th May 1868 On Conditional Admissibility of Contracting a Marriage before a Secular Authority.
Act cited, on 1st July 1868, the Ministers of Justice, Confessions and Internal Affairs issued a regulation containing relevant implementation rules (Journal of State Laws No. 80).
Act of 9th April 1870 on Marriages between Individuals not Belonging to any Statutorily Recognised Church or Religious Associations and on Keeping Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths (Journal of State Laws No. 51).
Implementing Act of 1st August 1895 (Journal of State Laws No. 110)
Act of 1st August 1895 on Application of Jurisdiction and on Jurisdiction of Common Courts in Civil Cases (often referred to in shortened form as the jurisdictional norm – Journal of State Laws No. 111).
Austrian Act of 1st August 1895 on Court Proceedings in Contested Civil Cases was announced on 9th August 1895 (Journal of State Laws No. 113).
Austrian Law on the Organisation of the Judiciary of 27th November 1896 (Journal of State Laws No. 217).
Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 9th December 1897 (Journal of State Laws No. 283).
Austrian Code of Civil Procedure on 1st January 1898, the Act of 1st August 1895 on Exercising the Judiciary Power and on the Jurisdiction of Common Courts in Civil Cases (Journal of State Laws No. 111).
Imperial Regulation of 1st June 1914 (Journal of State Laws No. 118).
Polish Decree of 8th February 1919 on the Structure of the Supreme Court (Journal of State Laws, No. 15, item 199).
Act of 21st October 1919 on the Age of Majority in the Former Austrian partition (Journal of Laws, No. 87, item 472).
Act of 9th March 1920 Amending Certain Provisions of the Acts on Civil Court Procedure Applicable in the Former Austrian District (Journal of Laws, No. 24, item 144) and the Act of 5th August 1922 (Journal of Laws, No. 86, item 769).
Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 17th March 1921.
Resolution of the Council of the Religious Community and the resultant letter to the President of the Jewish Community dated 9th December 1924, No. 800/24.
Act on 2nd August 1926 Law Applicable to Private Internal Relationships (Inter-District Private Law) (Journal of Laws No. 101, item 580).
Act on 2nd August 1926 Law Applicable to Private International Relationships (Journal of Laws No. 101, item 581).
Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of 6th February 1928, Law on the System of Common Courts (Journal of Laws, No. 12, item 93).
Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of 29th November 1930 – the Code of Civil Procedure (was published in the Journal of Laws, No. 83, item 651).
Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of 29th November 1930 on Provisions Implementing the Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws, No. 83, item 652).
Act of 13th March 1931 (Journal of Laws, No. 31, item 214) on Legal Expiry of Exceptional Provisions related to the Origin, Nationality, Language or Religion of the Citizens of the Republic of Poland.
Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of 27th October 1932 (Journal of Laws, No. 93, item 803).
Code of Civil Procedure were introduced by the Regulations of the President of the Republic of Poland of 28th October 1933 (Journal of Laws, No. 82, item 603).
Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 23rd April 1935.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Poland of 21st November 1938 on Streamlining Court Proceedings (Journal of Laws No. 89, item 609).
Decree on 6th June 1945 on Legal Effect of Court Rulings Passed under German Occupation in the territory of the Republic of Poland (Journal of Laws, No. 25, item 151 as amended).
Decree of the Council of Ministers (Government) of 25th September 1945 – Law on Marriage (Journal of Laws No. 48, item 270).
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Information: Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 12 (2019), Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 319 - 359
Article type: Original article
Post-Austrian Divorce Law in Małopolska from 1918 to 1945. Selected Issues
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Published at: 30.09.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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