Словарь-дневник Ричарда Джемса 1618–1619 гг. в свете новых диалектных и исторических данных
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEСловарь-дневник Ричарда Джемса 1618–1619 гг. в свете новых диалектных и исторических данных
Publication date: 12.03.2012
Language and Method, 2012, 1, pp. 95 - 104
Словарь-дневник Ричарда Джемса 1618–1619 гг. в свете новых диалектных и исторических данных
Foreign records of Russian spoken in the 16th and 17th centuries are among the most valuable sources used in the study of the history of the language. One of those is the early 17th century notebook (vocabulary-diary) compiled by Richard James, an English clergyman, who spent two years in the north of Russia (Cholmogory). He recorded 2176 Russian words and expressions, some of which were extremely rare or unencountered in other texts, e.g. terms connected with playing cards and chess, terms referring to everyday life, nature, marine life and fi shing, and even examples of early slang. The notebook fi rst appeared in print in 1959 with philological comments of Russian linguist B.A. Larin. Three years later B.O. Unbegaun published a critical article, in which he corrected a considerable number of erroneous or imprecise readings and interpretations of the Petersburg scholar. Unlike Larin, Unbegaun did not refer only to dialectal and historical dictionaries but mainly to materials derived directly from Russian texts of the period. In this article the author follows the footsteps of the Oxford scholar and, drawing on the latest achievements of Russian dialectal and historical lexicography, presents further corrections of Larin’s comments and interpretations. It appears that Larin was quite often wrong in charging James with inadequate perception and transcription of Russian words and phrases.
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Information: Language and Method, 2012, 1, pp. 95 - 104
Article type: Original article
Словарь-дневник Ричарда Джемса 1618–1619 гг. в свете новых диалектных и исторических данных
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 12.03.2012
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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