Jedwabne tafty drukowane i malowane z XVIII wieku. Technologia wytwarzania na przykładzie wzorzystej tafty

Publication date: 31.08.2023

Gdansk Journal of East Asian Studies, 2023, Issue 23, pp. 55 - 72



Przemysław Krystian Faryś
Independent Researcher, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4666-0851 Orcid
All publications →


Jedwabne tafty drukowane i malowane z XVIII wieku. Technologia wytwarzania na przykładzie wzorzystej tafty


The article concerns silk clothing fabrics with hand-painted patterns. They were fashionable in eighteenth-century Europe. The original design of these fabrics competed with silk fabrics with woven patterns. Painted silks were produced in China (for the European market) and in Europe. They were more or less in the chinoiserie style. Examples of these fabrics and costumes made of these materials have survived. The article focuses on taffeta with a painted pattern. One of the fabrics is subjected to a deeper analysis in terms of the manufacturing technique.


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Information: Gdansk Journal of East Asian Studies, 2023, Issue 23, pp. 55 - 72

Article type: Original article



Jedwabne tafty drukowane i malowane z XVIII wieku. Technologia wytwarzania na przykładzie wzorzystej tafty


18th-century painted silk taffeta: Manufacturing technology as illustrated by patterned taffeta



Przemysław Krystian Faryś
Independent Researcher, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4666-0851 Orcid
All publications →

Independent Researcher, Poland

Published at: 31.08.2023

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

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Przemysław Krystian Faryś (Author) - 100%

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