The complexity of a small town

Publication date: 22.03.2018

Technical Transactions, 2018, Volume 3 Year 2018 (115), pp. 5 - 20



Tingting Chen
Department of Housing and Urban – Rural, School of Urban Design, Wuhan University
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Justyna Kobylarczyk
Division of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3358-3762 Orcid
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Michał Krupa
Faculty of Building, Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Rzeszow University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0093-2249 Orcid
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Dominika Kuśnierz-Krupa
Institute of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1678-4746 Orcid
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The complexity of a small town


The article presents deliberations about a small city as a desirable living environment of a multi-layered character focusing on sociological issues that take into account the lifestyle of the residents and their preferences. Environmental studies, which reflected the expectations of the residents regarding their living environment, proved to be very important for the matter of the paper. Another issue related to small cities is the architecture responsible for the vitality of the place, its character and intimacy. It often determines the attractiveness of the centre, its history and culture. The considerations provided by the authors were supported by urban analyses, interviews, literature studies and own observations regarding selected urban centres located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.


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Information: Technical Transactions, 2018, Volume 3 Year 2018 (115), pp. 5 - 20

Article type: Original article



The complexity of a small town


The complexity of a small town


Department of Housing and Urban – Rural, School of Urban Design, Wuhan University


Justyna Kobylarczyk
Division of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3358-3762 Orcid
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Division of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland


Michał Krupa
Faculty of Building, Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Rzeszow University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0093-2249 Orcid
All publications →

Faculty of Building, Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Rzeszow University of Technology


Dominika Kuśnierz-Krupa
Institute of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1678-4746 Orcid
All publications →

Institute of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology

Published at: 22.03.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Tingting Chen (Author) - 25%
Justyna Kobylarczyk (Author) - 25%
Michał Krupa (Author) - 25%
Dominika Kuśnierz-Krupa (Author) - 25%

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View count: 2023

Number of downloads: 1066

<p> The complexity of a small town</p>