Sustainable development in cities designed in accordance with the smart city

Publication date: 28.09.2016

Technical Transactions, 2015, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (28) 2015, pp. 87 - 92


Barbara Dulińska
Faculty of Architecture,, Cracow University of Technology
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Sustainable development in cities designed in accordance with the smart city


The situation of cities, related to a rapid increase in the number of their inhabitants, stimulates the search for solutions counteracting the adverse consequences of this phenomenon. In order to improve the quality of life – both now and in the future – the idea of sustainable development was created, which is reflected in various visions of the twenty-first century cities. The concept of Smart City implemented in the revitalization project of Arabianranta district in Helsinki is a successful example of an action consistent with these concepts.


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Information: Technical Transactions, 2015, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (28) 2015, pp. 87 - 92

Article type: Original article



Sustainable development in cities designed in accordance with the smart city


Sustainable development in cities designed in accordance with the smart city


Faculty of Architecture,, Cracow University of Technology

Published at: 28.09.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Barbara Dulińska (Author) - 100%

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