Model of accident situation development in the construction

Publication date: 10.06.2014

Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engeneering Issuet 1-B (5) 2014, pp. 239 - 246



Bożena Hoła
Department of Construction Methods and Managements, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
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Mariusz Szóstak
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology
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Model of accident situation development in the construction


The construction industry is characterized by a high level of hazards to the life and health of employees and by a high accident rate. Knowledge relating to the course of the accident process plays a major role in work safety assessment and in accident prevention. On the basis of GUS reports and the EUROSTAT accident model a comprehensive general model of accident situation development has been developed. The model enables one to trace the different possible configurations of the events occurring in accident processes in the construction industry and to determine the most probable scenario of events. It is essential to define such scenarios in order to correctly specify the directions of preventive measures.


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Minister of Labour and Social Policy Order of 8 December 2004 concerning the Statistical Accident-at-Work Card (in Polish) (Law Gazette, No. 269, it. 2672).

Minister of Labour and Social Policy Order of 7 January 2009 concerning the Statistical Accident-at-Work Card (in Polish) (Law Gazette, No. 14, it. 80).

Minister of Labour and Social Policy Order of 8 November 2010 amending the order concerning the statistical accident-at-work card (Law Gazette, No. 218, it. 1440).

Studenski R., Theories of accident causality and their empirical verification (in Polish), Series: Papers of Central Mining Institute, Central Mining Institute, Katowice 1986.

The National Accident at Work and Occupational Disease Insurance Act of 30 October 2002 [in Polish] (Law Gazette 2002 No. 199 it. 1673 with later amendments).

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Information: Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engeneering Issuet 1-B (5) 2014, pp. 239 - 246

Article type: Original article



Model of accident situation development in the construction


Model of accident situation development in the construction


Department of Construction Methods and Managements, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology

Published at: 10.06.2014

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Bożena Hoła (Author) - 50%
Mariusz Szóstak (Author) - 50%

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