Determine the optimal system structure of the combined production
of electricity and heat

Publication date: 13.10.2014

Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (8) 2014, pp. 125 - 132



Martin Gavlik
Institute of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice
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Ladislav Böszörményi
Institute of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice
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Determine the optimal system structure of the combined production
of electricity and heat


For most of the EU, final energy is consumed in buildings as low-temperature heat for space heating and hot water. This is mostly produced by burning fuels that are linked to adequate environmental load environment, regardless of whether it is a fossil or bio-fuel. It is therefore high efficiency fuel which is a natural requirement in designing, implementation and operation of heat sources for the supply of buildings. For this reason, before commonly used conventional mono-production of heat a more efficient technology should be preferred, combining heat and power. This technology is, however, much more difficult as far as investments are concerned. Accordingly, its share in total production of heat needs to be set so that the operation of the heat source was also economy effective. This paper presents a simple method to solve this problem.


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Dvorský E., Hejtmánková P., Kombinovaná výroba elektrické a tepelné energie, Vydavateľstvo Technická literatúra BEN, Praha 2005.

Faninger G., Thermal Energy Storage, IEA SHC Task 28, Subtask 28.2.4 (www.iea.shc.org).

Böszörményi L., Böszörményi G., The Barriers and Possibilities of Heat Supply Sustainibility, [In:] ASHREA Transaction, Volume 114, Part 2.

Eurostat, AEBIOM calculation (www.enef.eu).


Information: Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (8) 2014, pp. 125 - 132

Article type: Original article



Determine the optimal system structure of the combined production
of electricity and heat


Determine the optimal system structure of the combined production
of electricity and heat


Institute of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice

Institute of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice

Published at: 13.10.2014

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Martin Gavlik (Author) - 50%
Ladislav Böszörményi (Author) - 50%

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