Faculty of Languages - University of Gdańsk

L’ozan ou le désir pruritique de « manger bon » chez les Bulu du Sud-Cameroun : une anthropologie de l’addiction au piment en négro-culture

Publication date: 25.06.2015

Cahiers ERTA, 2015, Numéro 7 Addictions, pp. 107 - 121



Paul Ulrich Otye Elom
Université de Maroua
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L’ozan ou le désir pruritique de « manger bon » chez les Bulu du Sud-Cameroun : une anthropologie de l’addiction au piment en négro-culture


Anthropology of addiction to pepper in negro-culture In bulu context, eating well means eat foods of animal origin, which generally puts a lot of condiments, particularly pepper considered as the key ingredient in the preparation of this type of food. In this socioculture where members are accustomed to eat mostly vegetables, the ozan expresses this natural desire that everyone can have for these preferential foods which are meat and fish resources. However, it is important to distinguish having the ozan, a desire that everyone can have, and be ozan that subsumes the individual finds it difficult to do without this type of food, and traduce in this cultural context, a pathological state which can causes a systematic rejection of dishes where pepper does not enter into the composition. This article aims to show how the unstoppable desire of pepper called ozan may appear both as a normal eating behavior and as an anomic one.


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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2015, Numéro 7 Addictions, pp. 107 - 121

Article type: Original article


French: L’ozan ou le désir pruritique de « manger bon » chez les Bulu du Sud-Cameroun : une anthropologie de l’addiction au piment en négro-culture

The ozan or the unstoppable desire to "eat good foods" among the Bulu of South Cameroon:


Université de Maroua

Published at: 25.06.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Paul Ulrich Otye Elom (Author) - 100%

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