“These orgies of inspiration”. The Destiny of the Painter According to the Journal of Félix Ziem
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 29.09.2023
Cahiers ERTA, 2023, Numéro 35, pp. 61 - 80
« Ces orgies d’inspirations ». Le destin du peintre d’après le Journal de Félix Ziem
The present paper focuses on the diary of the French painter Félix Ziem (1821-1911) and inquires the destiny of the painter emerging from his writings. Basing on the theories of diary writing (B. Didier, A. Girard, J. Lis), it shows how the artist represents his profession. The analyses convey that three elements are necessary for Félix Ziem to fulfill the destiny of the painter: hard work, dreamy contemplation of nature and travels. Those elements are described in detail in the three consecutive parts of the paper. The conclusions display a self-confident artist, influenced by Romantic aesthetics, who consciously constructs in his diary a testimony of his life as an example of painter’s destiny.
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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2023, Numéro 35, pp. 61 - 80
Article type: Original article
“These orgies of inspiration”. The Destiny of the Painter According to the Journal of Félix Ziem
University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland
Published at: 29.09.2023
Received at: 01.02.2023
Accepted at: 20.05.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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