Achtung Zelig!: Two Monsters and a Clown at the Crossroads of History and Media Memories
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Cahiers ERTA, 2017, Numéro 12 Littératures populaires et cultures médiatiques: Belgique / Pologne, pp. 29 - 48
Achtung Zelig ! : deux monstres et un clown au carrefour de l’histoire et de la mémoire médiatique
Unfolding during the Second World War Achtung Zelig! adopts a mode of narration that is both fantastic and absurd. The comic not only reflects the issues surrounding the representation of the unimaginable and real horrors of the Holocaust but it also exemplifies the presence and functioning of ‘media memories’ or memories of specific cultural productions as well as media and the performing arts (circus, theatre). This article examines the functioning, particularly the generation of connotations, of the key media memories of the carnivalesque, Art Spiegelman's Maus, Horst Rosenthal's Mickey au camp de Gurs and Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator in Achtung Zelig!
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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2017, Numéro 12 Littératures populaires et cultures médiatiques: Belgique / Pologne, pp. 29 - 48
Article type: Original article
Achtung Zelig!: Two Monsters and a Clown at the Crossroads of History and Media Memories
Université de Gand/Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique‐Flandre (FWO)
Published at: 30.12.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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