Social, economic and population processes in Transylvania in the hundred years after Trianon
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RIS BIB ENDNOTESocial, economic and population processes in Transylvania in the hundred years after Trianon
Data publikacji: 2020
Wschodnioznawstwo, 2020, Tom 14, s. 27 - 48
Social, economic and population processes in Transylvania in the hundred years after Trianon
Of all losers of the first World War Hungary had been the most penalized. That included the losing of over two third of its territory and nearly as much of its population. Albeit paying lip service to the right of self-determination, the victors delegated 5,5 million people into a minority position (whilst for some this meant no change, yet brought difficulties). It was only 5,2 million about whom it could be claimed on ethnic grounds – in part with reservations – that their fate as that of a community improved.
In the areas annexed by Romania, the socio-economic processes of the wider region prevailed in the studied period. The greatest change took place during Communism’s four decades. The main objective of the centrally managed economy was industrialization, and soon the national-communist leadership aimed at creating a „homogenized society”.
Population growth of four decades after the second World War came to a halt due to mass emigration and decline in birth rate in the early 1990s; the number of population falling by nearly 4 million to date. In proportional terms the loss of the 16,8 million strong Romanians (2011) and the 1,2 million strong Hungarians was near identical during the 2002–2011 period. By 2011, the number of Transylvanian Germans counting 600 000 prior to the second World War had been reduced to 36 000. The number of the half a million strong in 1930 Jews had fallen to a few hundred. At the same time, the number of Romani increased to 621 000. The Hungarian indigenous minority in Transylvania see the survival of their community in the realization of autonomy in Székelyland, and in Northwestern Transylvania.
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Informacje: Wschodnioznawstwo, 2020, Tom 14, s. 27 - 48
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Social, economic and population processes in Transylvania in the hundred years after Trianon
Social, economic and population processes in Transylvania in the hundred years after Trianon
University of Miskolc
Publikacja: 2020
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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-Języki publikacji:
AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 386
Liczba pobrań: 1556