A remark on Fejér and Mittag-Leffler theorems
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEA remark on Fejér and Mittag-Leffler theorems
Data publikacji: 09.12.2015
Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, 2015, Tom 52, s. 23-28
A remark on Fejér and Mittag-Leffler theorems
We discuss some generalizations of the classical Fejer and Mittag-Leffler theorems to the case of several complex variables with applications to the Shilov and Bergman boundaries.
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10. Knopp K., Uber Polynomentwicklungen im Mittag-Lefflerschen Stern Durch Anwendung der Eulerschen Reihentransformation, Acta Math., 47 (1926), 313–335.
11. Kosiński L- ., Zwonek W., Proper holomorphic mappings vs. peak points and Shilov boundary, Ann. Polon. Math., 107 (2013), 97–108.
12. Mittag-Leffler G., Sur la repr´esentation analytique d’une branche uniforme d’une fonction monog`ene, Note 1–5, Acta Math., 23 (1900), 43–62; 24 (1901), 183–204; 24 (1901), 205–244; 26 (1902), 353–391; 29 (1905), 101–181.
Informacje: Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, 2015, Tom 52, s. 23-28
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
A remark on Fejér and Mittag-Leffler theorems
A remark on Fejér and Mittag-Leffler theorems
Institute of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Jagiellonian University
Institute of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Jagiellonian University
Publikacja: 09.12.2015
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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