Review of Views on the Role of the Preventive Fund in Securing the Interest of the Insurance Undertaking, Policyholders and the Insured
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Review of Views on the Role of the Preventive Fund in Securing the Interest of the Insurance Undertaking, Policyholders and the Insured
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEReview of Views on the Role of the Preventive Fund in Securing the Interest of the Insurance Undertaking, Policyholders and the Insured
Data publikacji: 15.10.2019
Securitologia, 2018, No 2 (28), s. 72-80
Review of Views on the Role of the Preventive Fund in Securing the Interest of the Insurance Undertaking, Policyholders and the Insured
The article presents potential benefits for insurance companies, policyholders and the insured from proper use of monies from preventive funds, ie. reducing the number of accidents resulting in claims and mitigating their effects. In the analysis of literature the aim of preventive actions and preventive funds established in insurance companies was shown. The article also draws attention to the interpretation of legal provisions in the area of financing policyholders’ activities from preventive funds. Next, main advantages of effective use of monies from preventive funds were presented from the perspective of insurance companies, the insured and the policyholders. The analysis of literature allowed to determine positive aspects of undertaking activities aimed at reducing the number of accidents resulting in claims and their negative effects.
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Informacje: Securitologia, 2018, No 2 (28), s. 72-80
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Review of Views on the Role of the Preventive Fund in Securing the Interest of the Insurance Undertaking, Policyholders and the Insured
Review of Views on the Role of the Preventive Fund in Securing the Interest of the Insurance Undertaking, Policyholders and the Insured
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Publikacja: 15.10.2019
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1329
Liczba pobrań: 143