Data publikacji: 30.06.2017
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
Redaktor naczelny Tomasz Michalski
Redaktor tomu Oleh Shabliy
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 9 - 16 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 17 - 23 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 24 - 31 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 32 - 42 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 43 - 47 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 48 - 63 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 64 - 72 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 73 - 80 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 81 - 86 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 87 - 97 of Geography, Politics and Society, Issue 2 (2017), Volume 7 (2017), s. 98 - 107łowa kluczowe: concept, border, frontier, borderlands, region, transborderlands, Western Ukrainian borderland, human potential, population, depopulation, aging of population, Western Ukrainian borderland, natural resources, land resources, land fund, biological resources, forest resources, mineral resources, recreational resources, territorial combination of natural resources, Lviv oblast, European integration, socio-economic problems, economy transformation, reindustrialization, investment activity, foreign economic activity, border, state, European integration, cross-border cooperation, the euro region, Ukraine, Poland, Lviv, culture, cultural heritage, geospatial organization, geographical places, combination of objects of cultural heritage, western Ukrainian borderland, religious organization, religious community, church, confession, movement, religious educational institutions, religious education, religious school, Sunday school, secondary school, Western Ukrainian borderland, electoral activity, electoral potential, electoral turnout, electoral preferences, right and left political forces, transport, logistics, Western Ukrainian borderland, freight traffic flow, index, potential, administrative division, administrative reform, Ukrainian borderlands., Economic security, Lviv Oblast, criteria, indicators, components of economic security, integral economic security, scenarios